F4000 LCD Operator's Manual
Document No: LT0117
System Description
Page 2-22
19 April 2002
Issue 2.38
For V2.3xN, operation of the LCD keypad is modified to take into account alarms in the
FFCIF list and the displayable totals that have come from other FIPs on the network.
In the following, alarms in the FFCIF list include local and any remote alarms, and the totals
are the combination of local and any remote totals.
The Alarm LED will be on:
Any unacknowledged alarm in the FFCIF list, or any unacknowledged
zone alarm on the local FIP.
If any alarms are in the FFCIF list, and all are acknowledged, or if the
alarms total on the base display is not zero, or if there is a zone in
alarm on the local FIP.
The Fault LED will be on:
If the faults total on the base display is not zero, or if there is a zone in
fault on the local FIP.
The Isolated LED will be on:
If the isolates total on the base display is not zero.
If any point on the local FIP is isolated or a point on a network FIP is
isolated and the F4000 is combining MAF status.
The FIP buzzer turns on:
Upon a local fault or system fault, or the occurrence of a fault on a
networked FIP whose SID is programmed into the SID list of this FIP
and the local FIP is programmed to display network totals. At the
base display, the Fault Action Text will also be displayed.
Upon a new alarm (local or network) being put into the FFCIF list, or a
new MAF alarm on the local FIP.
Rapid Pulsing:Upon a local test failure, eg. system test.
The FIP buzzer is cancelled:
Whenever a key is pressed on the FIP keypad.
For Alarms when there are no more alarms in the FFCIF list or unisolated alarms
on the local FIP.
For Faults when there are no more unisolated faults on the local FIP, or on any
networked FIPs which can turn the fault buzzer on at the local FIP
Upon reception of remote System Fault Reset, FFCIF commands or any
commands, if enabled by programming. (Refer 3.10).