Try to make text well spaced and larger than you normally use. Think about the
colors you are going to use, colors that standout from each other are better for
viewing from a distance. As mentioned earlier choosing the right screen
resolution will also add to the clarity and quality of your display. It is worth
spending some time experimenting with different screen resolution and settings
which will optimize your unit to use its full potential.
8. Freeze function. This function is useful if you wish to change to another image
or layout while maintaining an image on your monitor, Let's say that you wish
to change from a program that is displaying text to a program that displays a
graphic. Before you close the text display program freeze the image on the video
monitor that you are using, you are then free to change to the graphic image
program. Once this is done you can unfreeze the image on the video monitor
which will then display your new image. All that the people watching the video
monitor would have seen is the text image followed by the graphics image they
will not have seen you close one program then open another.
9. Use anti-aliased text wherever possible to overlay on to a video signal - it will
result in a far more stable picture.
10. Always experiment with different Key Level and Keyer settings when
overlaying - there will always be an optimum setting.