11 TurboLock TL88
Step 3.
Insert the latch into the hole and check it. The latch’s plate should sit flush against the edge of the door
(Fig. 10).
there’s too much space behind the latch or if it’s sticking out of the door the latch should be adjusted. If the latch needs
adjusted, move to Step 4. If it doesn’t need adjusted, skip to Step 5.
Step 4.
Hold the front of the latch and the square opening from both sides, pull or push to extend or retract the latch end as
(Fig. 11).
Insert the latch back into the door.
Step 5.
Check the latch’s bolt and make sure the rounded side faces in. Add two wood screws and use a screwdriver (not
included) to secure them
(Fig. 12).
Part 4 - Creating a Mortise & Installing the Strike
Step 1.
Push the door until nearly closed and check where the latch’s bolt touches the frame.
Step 2.
Use a pencil to mark the horizontal center of the latch on the door frame.
Step 3.
Open the door again and extend the line over the edge of the door and inside the frame.
(Fig. 10)
(Fig. 11)
(Fig. 12)
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