It is not allowed to use a gear combination for which a rotor
speed is not listed. Neither is it permitted to allow the rotor
speed to exceed 500 rpm by stepping up the tractor PTO rpm
The grades of LELYMATIC shearpin automats are ad-
justed to the appropriate shearing moments at a 540 or
1000 rpm PTO output. If you are going to apply a
different PTO rate, then the shear pins should also be
Gears are changed as follows.
- Remove the cover from the change gearbox (fig. 10).
- Slide the rubber gasket ring (A) from the PTO extension.
- Remove the gears. Take care that the spacer behind the gear
(on the intermediate shaft) remains in place.
- Mount the gear combination which produces the required
rotor speed.
- Slide the rubber gasket ring on the PTO extension.
- Fit the cover.
Levelling board
Assembly of the ROTERRA power harrow’s levelling board
(if applicable) to the brackets is as follows.
- Mount the lower arms to the levelling board in such a way
that the arms remain sufficiently clear (a few centimeters)
of the abutment (A, fig. 11) during the operation.
- Fit the upper arms 3 holes up in the fixation brackets of the
levelling board.
Because of this assembly procedure, effective discharge of
soil is ensured in case too much soil builds up in front of the
levelling board.
For shallow operations it may be advisable that the levelling
board carries a certain mass of soil along with it. In that case,
the upper arms should be fitted 2 holes up in respect of the
lower arms.
If the levelling board comprises of a spindle adjustment,
similar assembly instructions are applicable.
- Mount the upper arms in the upper hole of the spindle. Use
the hole below if more soil needs to be transported.
- Adjust the spindles in such a way that the lower arms
remain clear of the abutment (a few centimeters) during the