1-5) Finally, let us take a look at the miscellaneous parts. There are nine Orange Water-clear 3mm LEDs, one Red/Blue 3mm LED, one IN-17
Nixie Tube, one KM155ID1 Nixie Tube Driver IC, and one Microchip PIC18F4520 Microcontroller [w/ Open Frame 40 pin DIP Socket]:
1-6) If any of the components listed above are missing or damaged, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can arrange to get you
the replacement parts that you need! While each PCB's section lists specifc components for the PCB, below is a list of miscellaneous
hardware parts that you will need to assemble the Kosmodrom Chaos Divider:
Qty PCB Identifer
Part Description
5 F/F Stand-of
M3 x 11mm Hex Stand-of [Female/Female]
2 F/M Stand-of
M3 x 11mm Hex Stand-of [Female/Male]
11 Screw
M3 x 6mm Screw
Lock Nut or Short M3 Stand-of
M3 x 3mm Hex Stand-of [Female/Female]
2 Header Pin Shunt Connector
0.1” Shunt Connector with Handle
– Used if you do not have a CD Sputnik
[For more information, look at page 5 of the Chaos Divider User Manual]
Miscellaneous Hardware - http://www.mouser.com/ProjectManager/ProjectDetail.aspx?AccessID=527bc5e99a
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