4-5) Install resistors R101 – R109 [9 x 3.3kΩ] vertically into the PCB and solder them in place. Be careful to not touch the headers on the
back of the PCB with your soldering iron:
4-6) Install LED1 – LED9 [9 x Orange 3mm], SW_INVERT [1 x SPDT Toggle Switch], PB_RESET [1 x Pushbutton], VR_MODE, VR_INTENS,
VR_INTERV [3 x 100kB 9mm Potentiometer], CLK, ITV, ITN, MOD, RST [5 x 3.5mm Jack], OUT1 – OUT9 [9 x 3.5mm Jack]. DO NOT solder
any of these components yet. Leave one hex nut on the Switch and screw it down completely. Be sure to clip of the alignment nubs from the
9mm Potentiometers as well. Depending on how parallel the front panel sits on the controls, you may or may not have to install the fat
washers, one each, on the potentiometers. Make sure that the LEDs are inserted completely against the PCB and that the short leg
[cathode] is next to the Out jacks. Again, DO NOT solder any these components yet:
V 1.4
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