Disassembly and disposal
TRUMPF recommends that TRUMPF machine tools be disas-
sembled and disposed of by Technical Service or a specialist
disposal company. The following information is to be passed on
to the specialist disposal company performing the disposal work,
to guarantee fast, environmentally sound and safe disposal.
Contamination, in particular types of dust which can be stir-
red up or which be hazardous during disassembly are to be
Close off the disassembly and storage area over a wide
Move down movable parts and suspended loads as far as
possible. Secure or support suspended loads in the event of
a defective machine.
Have the machine disconnected from the power supply by a
trained electrician.
If present: Close the compressed air supply and separate it
from the machine.
Depressurize components under pressure (e.g. compressed
air line).
Wait at least an hour to allow any residual voltage in the
machine to dissipate and hot components to cool down. All
assemblies/components can then be touched.
Prior to disassembly, dispose of the following hazardous materi-
als in accordance with national regulations:
Hazardous substance
Installed in assembly
Hydraulic oil
Hydraulic unit, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic
lines, hydraulic system hoses
Air conditioning unit (electrical cabinet)
Electrical cabinet, operating panel, ...
Hazardous materials
Tab. 1-12
The following assemblies will constitute a hazard if disassem-
Can tilt forwards if the brace is released.
Press Beam
Falls down if the hydraulic components are
removed first.
Assemblies with particular risk potential during disassembly
Tab. 1-13
Disassembly and disposal
Preparing disassembly
Hazardous materials
Assemblies with particular
risk potential