Metalyser HM5000 Benchtop
Instruction Manual v1.0
The control panel
The control panel is used for controlling the stirrer and
the height of the adjustable platform, as well as setting
the number of repeats, and starting the analysis.
The stirrer will run automatically throughout the
conditioning, deposition and equilibrium steps of
an analysis. It can also run independently of the
potentiostat. To start the stirrer, cick the
button. To stop the stirrer, click the
The stirrer has a variable speed setting (0-100) which is controlled by clicking
and dragging the slider. The stirrer speed must be adjusted when the stirrer
is turned off. It is recommended that the speed is set to no less than 5.
At full speed the stirrer runs at 4000rpm, so a setting of 5 would equate to
200rpm.If you are not sure whether the stirrer is running, the ‘Stirrer’ panel
of the info pane at the bottom of the Metaware window will display ‘On’ or
‘Off’, dependent on the current status of the stirrer.