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System: topCam 6500 software version 3.3.5
Now the topControl
programme also
allows setting of the
IP address for the
connected topCam
6500. By default the
device is set to the
address 192-168-120-
102 on delivery.
If the IP address is
changed the
parameters should be
permanently saved.
The new IP address is
not activated until
restart of the topCam
6500. During
operation the scanned
data are transmitted
tot he process port. It
can be selected if the
RS232 or the TCP/IP
port is to serve as
process port.
Printing quality for data matrix code ECC200
For entering of limit
values for which the
scanning of the
topCAm 6500 is
considered as
successful scanning.
The quality
parameters can be
parameterised with
A-D or without limit.
The following
parameters are
(Error correction),
Axial Nonuniformity
. If the limit
values are exceeded it can be selected if the scanned code is to be indicated on the connected
VGA monitor in red instead of green. Or if the NOI output is to be deactivated and a No
scanning error string is emitted.