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Settings bar code scanning
If bar code scanning is selected as window function
the settings on the left can be made for this
inverser Code, mit Prüfsumme
“ (inverse code with
checksum), “
Ausgabe der Prüfsumme
“ (Output of
checksum), “
Code 39 oder Code32
“ (code 39 or code
32), “
EAN oder UPC
“ (EAN or UPC), “
oder Multicode
“ (Pharma code or multi code).
Horizontales oder vertikales Scannen
” (Horizontal
or vertical scanning). “
Omnidirektionales Scannen
(Omnidirctional scanning).
Auto-discriminating or individual code types should
be scanned.
When OCR/OCV scanning is selected first a basic menu
will be opened with different options for
(Separate) -
Zeichen einlernen
Zeichensatz bearbeiten
(Edit character set ).
The menu on the left allows storing and loading of the
product data set (window settings, basic settings) or of
the character set.