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topCam6500 will be displayed.
In order to obtain a first impression of the image, it is recommended to select the resolution of
160 x 120 with a grey level of 1 bit. This ensures a very short loading time.
Below the image there are various options to operate the topCam 6500.
Lighting adjustment from 1-99
Video amplification from 1-250
(default value is 85)
Permanent scanning for permanent evaluation of the image.
Trigger: to conduct an individual evaluation.
Live image: a live image is displayed on the VGA monitor. If the display screen is activated
the current image will be permanently displayed.
ABE: This function allows fine-tuning of the lighting in order to achieve the best contrast.
The basic setting, however, should already been made.
In the following the individual scans are recorded. This table can be copied to the clipboard
and pasted in other Window programs.
The following options can be chosen via the menu bar:
File, System, ?
Store parameters permanently in the
Download parameters from the topCam
Store pre-settings of the topCam in the file
Upload settings from the file into the
Store video image in a file.