Selection of data format
Select how the acquired data is handled.
INT16: Acquired as a signed 2-byte data (-32768 to 32767).
UINT16: Acquired as an unsigned 2-byte data (0 to 65535).
INT32 (BIG): Acquired as a signed 4-byte data (-2147483648 to 2147483647).
The data is recognized as a big endian.
INT32 (LITTLE): Acquired as a signed 4-byte data (-2147483648 to 2147483647).
The data is recognized as a little endian.
UINT32 (BIG): Acquired as an unsigned 4-byte data (0 to 4294967296).
The data is recognized as a big endian.
UINT32 (LITTLE): Acquired as an unsigned 4-byte data (0 to 4294967296).
The data is recognized as a little endian.
FLOAT(BIG): Recognized as a single precision floating point of IEEE754.
The data is recognized as a big endian.
FLOAT(LITTLE): Recognized as a single precision floating point of IEEE754.
The data is recognized as a little endian.
Note) The range which can be acquired in a data type selection is used as internal data. Note that
the data which can be actually recorded is from -32000 to 32000 digits.
Selection of Modbus register type
Select the Modbus register type.
Input register: The data is acquired from the input register. [Function code=04]
Hold register: The data is acquired from the hold register. [Function Code=03]
Selection of decimal point position
Select the decimal point position of the data acquired.
The setting cannot be made if the data type is FLOAT.
Example) “Data: 12345 and Decimal point position: 2” is recognized internally as "123.45".
Selection of the number of data
Set the number of data to be acquired from the starting address. (1 to 16)
Enabled if the data to be acquired are sequential.
If the addresses are not sequential or the register types are different even in the same slave device,
acquire the data using multiple IDs.