Selection of Modbus operation
Select the Modbus operation.
Modbus TCP (Ethernet): Modbus TCP is used for communication protocols.
Only the slave can be selected for the operation.
Modbus TCP+RTU: Add RS-485 to the available communication protocols.
(Enabled only if the RS-485 option is implemented)
For this setting, additionally set the operation on the ModbusRTU side.
Set the ModbusRTU operation mode. This setting is possible only if the communication type is
Slave: Works as the Modbus slave.
Master (General): Works as the Modbus master and acquires values from the general-purpose
ModbusRTU device.
Master (Rem. AI): Works as the Modbus master and acquires the value from the separately-sold
remote AI.
Sending timeout
Set the timeout period for when the master is running. (1, 5 and 10 seconds)
If "no response" state after the elapse of the timeout occurs 3 times, disconnect the target slave
devices from the connected network.
Auto retry
Set the interval for attempting to reconnect with slave devices if connections with slave devices
are lost while the master is running.
(1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes and none)
Auto retry is not carried out if "None" is set.
Note) Generally, retrieval cannot be carried out while auto retry is being attempted. If the interval
time for auto retry is too short, the retrieval cycle of other slave devices may be affected
Request interval
Set the interval for communicating with slave devices while the Master (Genera) is working. (1
second, 2 seconds, 5 seconds and 10 seconds)
"1 second" is a standard time. If the responses from the slave devices are slow or 1 second is
insufficient due to a huge amount of the acquired data, the time for the interval can be extended.