Thermo Scientific thermoflex Quick Start Manuals Download Page 10











(L’affichage du débit est en option.)


















































(Le délai est défini par le temps 

nécessaire avant l’arrêt du refroidisseur 

suite à une défaillance de pression.)
























































(On correspond au pourcentage de 

niveau de liquide dans le réservoir 

nécessaire pour lancer le remplissage.  

Le délai d’expiration est la durée 

maximale pendant laquelle l’option va 

fonctionner. Paramétrer la durée sur 0 

désactive l’option.) 
































(Refroidisseurs équipés d’une 

pompe P3 à P5 


 ayant la capacité 

de fonctionner à 50 Hz ou à 60 Hz 

uniquement. La fréquence sélectionnée 

ajuste automatiquement le réglage 

de haute pression par défaut fixe du 




























(Auto permet au ventilateur de 

fonctionner dans les conditions énumérées 

dans le manuel, voir la section 3. On 

permet au ventilateur de fonctionner tout 

le temps à vitesse élevée.)



























(Consulter le manuel pour toute 

information complémentaire.)









(Consulter le manuel pour toute 

information complémentaire.)







(Consulter le manuel pour toute 

information complémentaire.)































































































T a b l e a u  1 

P l a g e  d e   

V a l e u r  p a r  

V a l e u r  p a r  

d é f a i l l a n c e  

d é f a u t  é l e v é e  

d é f a u t  f a i b l e  

P o m p e s   

T 0  T 1 P 1 P 2 :  

d e  3 à  10 5 P S I  

10 5 P S I  

3 P S I  

P o m p e s  T 5 :  

d e  2 à  10 5 P S I  

10 5 P S I  

4 P S I  

P o m p e s   

P 3 P 4 P 5 :  

C o n s u l t e r  l e  m a n u e l   C o n s u l t e r  l e  m a n u e l   4 P S I

P o m p e s  T 9  :  

d e  3 à  10 5 P S I  

10 5 P S I  

3 P S I

T a b l e a u  2 

P l a g e  

V a l e u r  p a r   

V a l e u r  p a r  

d é f a u t  é l e v é e  

d é f a u t  f a i b l e  

P o m p e s   

T 0  T 1 P 1 P 2 :    d e  0 , 0  à  10 , 5 G P M    0 , 0  G P M  

0 , 0  G P M  

P o m p e s  T 5 :  

d e  0 , 0  à  15, 0  G P M   0 , 0  G P M  

0 , 0  G P M  

P o m p e s   

P 3 P 4 P 5 :   

d e  0 , 0  à  30 , 0  G P M    0 , 0  G P M  

0 , 0  G P M

P o m p e s  T 9  :  

d e  0 , 0  à  33, 5 G P M   0 , 0  G P M  

0 , 0  G P M

M I S E  E N  R O U T E  R A P I D E

U N I T S  ( U N I T É S )

P o i n t  d e  c o n s i g n e  



P R E S S U R E  ( P R E S S I O N )

F L U I D  L E V E L  ( N I V E A U  D E  

L I Q U I D E )

R E M P L I S S A G E  

A U T O M A T I Q U E *

D É B I T *

F r é q u e n c e  d e  l i g n e *

6 0  H z

     A u t o  R e s t a r t   



( R e d é m a r r a g e  a u t o m a t i q u e )

     A l a r m e s  s o n o r e s

M O D E  D E  V I T E S S E  D E  

V E N T I L A T I O N  P R *

C a r e  L e v e l   

( N i v e a u  d ’ e n t r e t i e n )


C O M  S É R I E  - D C O M *

C O M  A N A L O G U E  - A C O M *

R É S I S T I V I T É *

m m / j j / a a                      h h : m m : s s

     Q u i c k  S t a r t  D o n e  ( M i s e  e n   

     route rapide effectu e




T a b l e a u  3 


Plage d avertissement 

aleur par d aut 

A u c u n  

6  - 10 0  %  

6  %  

1 k W  :  

58 - 10 0  %  

58 %  

2, 3 k W  :   

58 o u  6 9  - 10 0  %  

58 o u  6 9  %  

5, 0  k W  :   

87 - 10 0  %   

87 %  

4, 6  k W  :   

87 - 10 0  %   

87 %  


Plage de d aillance 

aleur par d aut

A u c u n  

0  - 10 0  %  

0  %  

1 k W  :  

52 - 10 0  %  

52 %

2, 3 k W  :   

52 o u  6 3 - 10 0  %  

52 o u  6 3 %

5, 0  k W  :   

81 - 10 0  %  

81 %

4, 6  k W  :   

81 - 10 0  %   

81 %






















tiliser la fl che bas pour  aire d filer 

e t  m e t t r e  e n  s u r b r i l l a n c e  c h a q u e  l i g n e . 

il est n cessaire de modifier l un des 

r é g l a g e s  p a r  d é f a u t ,  m e t t r e  l a  l i g n e  

s o u h a i t é e  e n  s u r b r i l l a n c e  p u i s  a p p u y e r  

s u r  l e  b o u t o n  E n t e r  ( E n t r é e ) . 







































































































































































































Summary of Contents for thermoflex

Page 1: ...N U00939 Rev 03 29 2021 Visit our Web site at http www thermofisher com tc Product Service Information Applications Notes SDS Forms e mail Voice Info 800 258 0830 Multilingual Quick Start Guides Multi...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...939 Rev 0 2 202 Visit our Web site at http www thermofisher com tc Product Service Information Applications Notes SDS Forms e mail Voice Info 800 258 0830 Multilingual Quick Start Guides Multilingual...

Page 4: ...service tc us thermofisher com Dieselstrasse 4 D 76227 Karlsruhe Germany Tel 49 0 721 4094 444 Fax 49 0 721 4094 300 info tc de thermofisher com Building 6 No 27 Xin Jinqiao Rd Shanghai 201206 Tel 86...

Page 5: ...Requirements 3 14 Compatibility with Approved Fluids 3 15 Additional Fluid Information 3 17 Process Water Quality Standards and Recommendations 3 17 Facility Water Requirements Standards and Recommen...

Page 6: ...user 6 3 Fluid Maintenance 6 4 Reservoir Cleaning 6 4 Condenser Filter 6 5 Chiller Surface 6 6 Hoses 6 6 Testing the Alarm Features 6 7 DI Filter Optional 6 7 Preventive Maintenance Messages 6 8 Secti...

Page 7: ...e r s S e e S t e p s 1 a n d 2 C i r c u i t P r o t e c t o r S e e S t e p 7 P o w e r I n l e t f o r c h i l l e r s n o t h a r d w i r e d S e e S t e p 6 P r o c e s s I n l e t S e e S t e p...

Page 8: ...ion R e f e r t o m a n u a l R E S I S T I V I T Y See manual for additional information o r S e t p o i n t I n t e r v a l W a r n i n g H i g h S e t p o i n t I n t e r v a l W a r n i n g H i g...

Page 9: ...s r e f r o i d i s s e u r s s a n s c b l a g e m a t r i e l V o i r l t a p e 6 A r r i v e d u t r a i t e m e n t A r r i v e d u s i t e v a c u a t i o n d u s i t e f F i g u r e B L a F i g...

Page 10: ...b l e a u 2 P l a g e V a l e u r p a r V a l e u r p a r d f a u t l e v e d f a u t f a i b l e P o m p e s T 0 T 1 P 1 P 2 d e 0 0 10 5 G P M 0 0 G P M 0 0 G P M P o m p e s T 5 d e 0 0 15 0 G P M...

Page 11: ...a r t S C H N E L L S T A R T H i n w e i s F a l l s d a s K h l g e r t m i t e i n e r D e i o n i s i e r u n g s F i l t e r k a r t u s c h e a u s g e s t a t t e t W e i t e r e S c h r i t t...

Page 12: ...r n d r c k e n S i e d e n P f e i l n a c h l i n k s o d e r E S C I n b e i d e n F l l e n s c h a l t e t s i c h d i e B i l d s c h i r m a n z e i g e a u s T a b e l l e 1 F e h l e r b e r...

Page 13: ...o n i s e l e z i o n a t e L e e t i c h e t t e d e l r e f r i g e r a t o r e e d e l l e o p z i o n i d e l r e f r i g e r a t o r e e d e l l e o p z i o n i i n d i c a n o l a p o s i z i o...

Page 14: ...0 T 1 P 1 P 2 D a 3 a 10 5 P S I 10 5 P S I 3 P S I P o m p e T 5 D a 2 a 10 5 P S I 10 5 P S I 4 P S I edere il manuale edere il manuale P Pompe P P P T 9 P o m p e 3 t o 10 5 P S I 10 5 P S I 3 P S...

Page 15: ...i g e r a d o p o r a g u a F i g u r a B f f y d e l a s o p c i o n e s s e l e c c i o n a d a s L a s e t i q u e t a s y d e l a s o p c i o n e s s e l e c c i o n a d a s y d e l a s o p c i o...

Page 16: ...O M C O M U N I C A C I O N E S A N A L G I C A S A C O M C o m u n i c a c i o n e s a n a l g i c a s o p c i o n a l e s para obtener informaci n adicional consul te el manual R E S I S T I V I T Y...

Page 17: ...ThermoFlex i Thermo Scientific Preface Compliance Third Party European Union EU WEEE 9 www thermofisher com WEEERoHS After sale Support...

Page 18: ...ex Preface Thermo Scientific Feedback tcmanuals thermofisher com Warranty excluding MD1 MD2 Magnetic Drive and P1 P2 Positive Displacement pumps which are warranted for 12 months Unpacking 3 Out of Bo...

Page 19: ...practices intended to alert the user to the presence of non insulated dangerous enough to constitute a risk of electrical shock This label indicates read the manual Performance of installation operati...

Page 20: ...Do not use automotive antifreeze Commercial antifreeze contains silicates that can damage the pump seals Use of automotive antifree e will void the manufacturer s warrant Many refrigerants which may...

Page 21: ...ThermoFlex900 10000 SDS ThermoFlex7500 ThermoFlex24000 10 C 50 50 EG 50 50 PG pH pH 3 SDS 8 25 C 60 C 80 ZH...

Page 22: ...chte Ger te Verwenden Sie niemals entz ndbare oder korrosive Fl ssigkeiten Benutzen Sie nur zugelassene Fl ssigkeiten die in diesem Handbuch aufgelistet sind Entnehmen Sie vor der Verwendung einer zug...

Page 23: ...erlichen Zulauf der Fl ssigkeit bei konstanter Temperatur und Durchflussrate erm glicht Der K hler besteht aus einem luft und wassergek hlten K hlsystem W rmetauscher Umw lzpumpe Prozessfl ssigkeitsne...

Page 24: ...e le d placer Ne faites jamais fonctionner un quipement endommag ou qui fuit utilisez amais des liquides inflammables ou corrorifs Utilisez uniquement les liquides approuv s cit s dans le manuel Avant...

Page 25: ...grille avant Utilisation pr vue des refroidisseurs recirculation Les refroidisseurs recirculation de Thermo Scientific sont con us pour fournir du liquide en continu une temp rature et selon un d bit...

Page 26: ...manual Antes de utilizar un fluido o realizar tareas de mantenimiento donde es probable que se entre en contacto con el fluido en cuesti n consulte la ho a de datos de seguridad SDS m s reciente del f...

Page 27: ...ire o por agua un intercambiador de calor una bomba de recirculaci n un dep sito de fluido para procesos y un controlador de microprocesador Los refrigeradores est n dise ados para llevar a cabo un fu...

Page 28: ...loque em funcionamento equipamento danificado ou em vazamento unca utilize fluidos inflam veis ou corrosivos Utilize apenas os fluidos aprovados listados no manual Antes de utilizar qualquer fluido ou...

Page 29: ...Refrigeradores de Recircula o Os refrigeradores de recircula o Thermo Scientific s o concebidos para facultar um fornecimento cont nuo de fluido a um fluxo e temperatura constantes O refrigerador con...

Page 30: ...ooit beschadigde of lekkende apparatuur Gebruik nooit ontvlambare of corrosieve vloeistoffen Maak alleen gebruik van de goedgekeurde vloeistoffen in de handleiding Raadpleeg vooraleer een vloeistof te...

Page 31: ...uik recirculatiekoelers De recirculatiekoelers van Thermo Scientific zi n ontworpen om een continue toevoer van vloeistoffen te voorzien met een constante temperatuur en doorstroming De koeler bestaat...

Page 32: ...ature danneggiate o con perdite on utilizzare mai fluidi infiammabili o corrosivi Utilizzare esclusivamente i fluidi certificati elencati nel manuale Prima di utilizzare fluidi o eseguire operazioni d...

Page 33: ...d uso chiller a ricircolazione I chiller a ricircolazione Thermo Scientific sono progettati per fornire un alimentazione continua di fluido a temperatura e portata costanti Il chiller composto da un s...

Page 34: ...DANGER WARNING CAUTION I II III E SDS MSDS SDS 5 0 0 ThermoFlex ThermoFlex900 5000 P1 P 1 5 psi ThermoFlex 500 4000 50 50 EG 50 50 PG 10 EG PG p DI EG PG DI SDS 4 0 gpm 15 1 lpm BG...

Page 35: ...ThermoFlex900 5000 Thermo Scientific...

Page 36: ...a odpo te ho od p vodu nap en Servis a opravy p eneche te kvalifikovan m servisn m technik m Skladu te za zen p i teplot ch 5 a 0 v obalu a p i relativn vlhkosti vzduchu ni ne 0 Vy azen z provozu sm p...

Page 37: ...ovoz a pou v n ve vnit n ch prostor ch v souladu se v emi postupy a po adavky uveden mi v e ich n vodech k obsluze Um st te chladi tak aby byl v bl zkosti sv ho odpo ovac ho za zen a aby byl k odpo ov...

Page 38: ...skal du referere til producentens mest aktuelle amk sikkerhedsdatablad SDS og EUs sikkerhedsdatablad for yderligere oplysninger Sluk altid udstyret og afbryd det fra dets str mforsyning f r det flytte...

Page 39: ...mpe procesv skereservoir og en mikroprocessor controller edk lere er designet til l bende drift og til indend rs brug i henhold til alle procedurerne og kravene formuleret i denne h ndbog Installation...

Page 40: ...DANGER WARNING CAUTION I II III SDS MSDS SDS E 5 0 0 ThermoFlex ThermoFlex900 5000 P1 P 1 5 psi ThermoFlex 500 4000 50 50 EG 50 50 PG 10 EG PG p p DI EG PG EL...

Page 41: ...DI SDS 4 0 gpm 15 1 lpm ThermoFlex900 5000 Thermo Scientific...

Page 42: ...mat ohutuskaarti SDS MSDS EL ohutuskaart Enne seadme liigutamist l litage seade alati v lja ja hendage lahti toitev rgust Hooldamisel ja remondi korral p rduge kogemustega tehniku poole Hoidke seadmei...

Page 43: ...steemist Jahutid on etten htud pidevaks t tamiseks sisetingimuteses vastavalt kasutusjuhendis s testatud protseduuridele ja n uetele Paigaldamine ringlusega jahutid Paigutage jahuti nii et selle v lja...

Page 44: ...Sheet SDS ja EU n k ytt turvallisuustietoihin lis tietoja varten Sammuta laite ja kytke se irti j nnitel hteest aina ennen sen liikuttamista J t korjaus ja huoltoty t p tev n teknikon teht v ksi S ily...

Page 45: ...tkuvaan k ytt n sis tiloissa t ss ohjekirjassa m riteltyjen menettelyjen ja vaatimusten mukaisesti Asennus kiertoj hdyttimet Aseta j hdytin siten ett siihen kuuluvaan irtikytkent laitteeseen p st n he...

Page 46: ...leacht n sula nd antar cothabh il ina bhf adfa teagmh il a dh anamh leis an leacht ceadaigh Leathanach Sonra S bh ilteachta SA is d ana an d ant ra agus Leathanach Sonra S bh ilteachta an AE chun bre...

Page 47: san fhuarth ir c ras cuisni ch in aerfhuaraithe n uiscefhuaraithe teasmhalart ir caid al athfhillteach taiscumar leachta pr isis agus rialt ir micreaphr ise la T fuarth ir ceaptha le haghaidh oibri...

Page 48: ...ite dodatne informaci e u na novi em sigurnosno tehni kom listu za SAD engl Safety Data Sheet SDS i sigurnosno tehni kom listu za EU Pri e pom eran a oprema uvi ek e iskl u ite i iskop a te iz napona...

Page 49: ...e pumpe rezervoara radne teku ine i kontrolera mikroprocesora Rashladni ure a i su predvi eni za kontinuirani rad i prim enu u zatvorenim prostorima u skladu sa svim postupcima i zaht evima navedenim...

Page 50: ...l inform ci kkal Mozgat s el tt mindig kapcsol a ki s v lassza le az ramforr sr l a berendez st A szervizel st s a av t st b zza k pzett szakemberre A berendez st 5 s 0 k z tti h m rs klet csomagol ss...

Page 51: ...folyamatos belt ri zemeltet sre szolg lnak a k zik nyv kben foglalt valamennyi el r s s k vetelm ny szem el tt tart s val gy helyezze el a h t t hogy a megszak t a a k zel ben k nnyen hozz f rhet hely...

Page 52: ...ite rang ir at unkite uo maitinimo tampos Aptarnavimo ir remonto kreipkit s kvalifikuot technik Laikykite rang temperat ros intervale nuo 5 iki 0 su pakavimu ir 0 santykin e dr gm e Eksploataci os nut...

Page 53: ...vidu e pagal visas proced ras ir reikalavimus i d stytus iame vadove Pastatykite au intuv kad is b t arti ir lengvai pasiekiamo at ungimo prietaiso Au intuvas yra skirtas naudoti su atskiru i vadu Pri...

Page 54: u aun ka s ra ot a nodro in ta s ASV dro bas datu lap s SDS un ES dro bas datu lap s Pirms apr ko uma p rvieto anas vienm r to izsl dziet un atvieno iet no elektroapg des t kla Apkalpo anu un remon...

Page 55: ...t i ir paredz ti past v gai darbin anai sl gt s telp s atbilsto i vis m proced r m un pras b m kas nor d tas a rokasgr mat ovieto iet dzes t u lai tas atrastos atvieno anas ier ces tuvum un t b tu vi...

Page 56: ...ta Sheet SDS l aktar ri enti tal manifattur u l EU Safety Data Sheet g al informazz oni addizz onali De em itfi t tag mir u skonnett ah minn mal provvista tad dawl tieg u qabel i aqilqu Irreferi s ser...

Page 57: ...iti kollha deskritti fil manwali tag hom Po i chiller b tali mod li kun qrib u kun hemm a ess fa li g at tag mir ta skonnett ar tieg u I chiller hu ma sub g all u u fuq dedicated outlet Kun gur li l...

Page 58: ...substanc i niebezpieczne EU Podczas transportowania sprz tu niezb dne est zachowanie nale yte ostro no ci ag e wstrz sy lub upadek mog skutkowa uszkodzeniem podzespo w Przed przyst pieniem do transpor...

Page 59: ...y wszystkie panele powinny zna dowa si na swoich mie scach Wy tkiem est okratowanie zespo w ch odzonych powietrzem ThermoFlex900 5000 ch odzone wod wyposa one zosta y w wentylator posiada cy ostre opa...

Page 60: ...nainte de folosi orice lichid sau de a efectua lucr ri de ntre inere c nd exist ansa de a intra n contact cu lichide nainte de a l transporta opri i mereu echipamentul i deconecta i l de la tensiunea...

Page 61: ...lichid de procesare i un controler cu microprocesor Aparatele frigorifice sunt concepute pentru operare continu i pentru uz intern conform tuturor procedurilor i condi iilor prev zute n manualul lor...

Page 62: ...listu EU k er bosta na li ver eten stik s teko ino pregle te na nove i varnostni list ZDA podrobne e informaci e Preden premikate opremo o vedno izklopite in odklopite z omre nega napa an a Servis in...

Page 63: ...postopki in zahtevami navedenimi v tem priro niku Namestitev ohlajevalnik z recirkulacijo amestite ohla evalnik v bli ino da imate enostaven dostop do odklopne naprave Ohla evalnik e namen en za upor...

Page 64: ...r avan a u ko ima e verovatno do i do kontakta s te no u potra ite dodatne informaci e u na novi em bezbednosnom listu za SAD engl Safety Data Sheet SDS i bezbednosnom listu za EU Pre pomeran a opreme...

Page 65: ...ote cirkulira u e pumpe rezervoara radne teku ine i kontrolera mikroprocesora Rashladni ure a i su predvi eni za neprekidan rad i upotrebu u zatvorenim prostorima u skladu sa svim postupcima i zahtevi...

Page 66: ...KBU pre USA a kartu kontakt s kvapalinou si pre ta te posledn kartu bezpe nostn ch da ov KBU pre USA bezpe nostn ch da ov pre E v ktor ch n dete al ie inform cie Pred ka d m pres van m vypnite zariad...

Page 67: ...ur en na nepretr it prev dzku a na vn torn pou itie v s lade so v etk mi postupmi a po iadavkami uveden mi v pr slu nom n vode na pou itie hladiacu ednotku umiestnite tak aby bola bl zko odp acieho z...

Page 68: ...pla bort str mf rs r ningen innan den flyttas verl t service och reparationer till en beh rig tekniker F rvara utrustningen inom temperaturomr det 25 C till 60 C i f rpackning och 80 relativ luftfukti...

Page 69: ...Installation tercirkulerande kylare Placera kylaren s att den befinner sig n ra med enkel tkomst till dess avst ngningsanordning Kylaren r avsedd f r att anv ndas med ett f r detta avsett uttag F rs k...

Page 70: ...uit contient des gaz effet de serre fluor s int gr s un syst me herm tiquement scell Toute fuite d tect e dans le syst me scell doit tre r par e imm diatement par l op rateur Pour les refroidisseurs r...

Page 71: ...Den h r produkten inneh ller fluorerade v xthusgaser i ett hermetiskt f rseglat system Om en l cka i det f rseglade systemet identifieras ska operat ren reparera det utan dr jsm l F r ThemoFlex24000 l...

Page 72: ...ticky uzavretom syst me Ak d jde v uzavretom syst me k nikom oper tor ho mus bez zbyto n ho oneskorenia opravi Po oprave vzduchov ch chladi ov ThermoFlex 24000 mus oper tor zabezpe i aby zariadenie do...

Page 73: ...larniane w hermetycznie zamkni tym uk adzie W przypadku stwierdzenia wycieku z hermetycznie zamkni tego uk adu operator ma obowi zek dokonania naprawy urz dzenia bez zb dnej zw oki Po ewentualnej napr...

Page 74: ...cefekta g z m is izstr d jums satur fluor tas siltumn cefekta g zes herm tiski nosl gt sist m Ja herm tiski nosl gtaj sist m tiek konstat ta nopl de operators to salabo bez nepamatotas kav an s P c ga...

Page 75: ...NDELET BEN el rtak teljes t se rdek ben ker lt a dokumentumba A term k fluortartalm vegh zhat s g zokat tartalmaz hermetikusan z rt rendszerben Ha a z rt rendszerben sziv rg s jelentkezik az zemeltet...

Page 76: EUROOPAN PARLAMENTINJANEUVOSTONASETUSTA EU N o517 2014 T m tuote sis lt fluorattuja kasvihuonekaasuja hermeettisesti tiivistetyss j rjestelm ss Jos tiivistetyss j rjestelm ss havaitaan vuoto k ytt...

Page 77: ...skal operat ren s rge for at udstyret inden for n m ned efter reparationen kontrolleres af en fagmand der kan bekr fte at der er tale om en effektiv reparation Fluorovan sklen kov plyny N sleduj c in...

Page 78: ...517 2014 16 2014 ThemoFlex24000...

Page 79: ...charged equipm uipment are ac Article 18 2 of on at the time bject to Article equipment t have been p tside the Un on stating that on and that it c of Regula he Annex to Mark Pearson ___________ name...

Page 80: ...Description Specifications ThermoFlex900 ThermoFlex1400 ThermoFlex2500 Standard Chiller Process to to to Fluid Temperature Setpoint Range to to to High Temperature Chiller Process ot i e to to Fluid...

Page 81: ...i m r m i m r m i m r m i m r P entri m m i m r m i m r m i m r m i m r P entri m m i m r m i m r m i m r m i m r Cooling capacity based on P2 pumps with no backpressure Heat input from the pump will...

Page 82: ...i m r T T r ine m m i m r m i m r m i m r m i m r m in c cit re re e or centri n t r ine m re i erenti re re et een the inlet and the outlet of the chiller P m in c cit in hi h tem er t re chi er i i...

Page 83: ...m m i m r m i m r m i m r m i m r m i m r m i m r re re e re i erent i re re et een the in et n the o t et o the chi er oo in c cit e on m et to m e t in t rom the m i re t in reduction in cooling cap...

Page 84: ...ature Setpoint T r tt S ecific tion o t ine t e e e in ter the recirc tin i t roce et oint m ient con ition t nomin o er tin o t e on chillers with P2 pumps with no back pressure ther i i tem er t re...

Page 85: ...t T r tt S ecific tion o t ine t e e e in ter the recirc tin i t roce et oint m ient con ition t nomin o er tin o t e on chillers with P2 pumps with no back pressure ther i i tem er t re m ient tem er...

Page 86: ...tem er t re tit e o er tin o t e or m i ect er orm nce See Section hi er re ire the e o ter or ter e o roce tem er t re to re ent ree in in o the plate exchanger A 24000 60Hz B 24000 50Hz A B 30000 2...

Page 87: ...o tion i re t in m o re ction S ecific tion o t ine t e e e in ter the recirc tin i t roce et oint m ient con ition t nomin o er tin o t e ther i i tem er t re m ient tem er t re tit e or o er tin o t...

Page 88: ...btained with no restrictions on the return to the system or ith n o tion in t e or e m e ti i in the o tion i re t in m o reduction S ecific tion o t ine t e e e in ter the recirc tin i t roce et oint...

Page 89: ...en the inlet and the outlet of the chiller Pump performance results were obtained with no restrictions on the return to the system or ith n o tion in t e or e m e ti i in the o tion i re t in m o redu...

Page 90: ...ere obtained with no restrictions on the return to the system or ith n o tion in t e or e m e ti i in the o tion i re t in m o reduction S ecific tion o t ine t e e e in ter the recirc tin i t roce et...

Page 91: ...00 1400 Dimensions inches centimeters Side View 3 3 8 8 6 18 1 2 47 0 24 11 16 62 8 Front View 27 1 4 69 2 12 3 16 31 0 15 16 2 4 Add 1 8 3 mm for SEMI chillers see Section 5 Thermo i her Scientific r...

Page 92: ...i connection 1 2 FNPT t ron e ci it ter connections 1 2 FNPT t ron e 1 5 16 3 3 1 5 8 2 4 2 3 9 16 9 1 3 7 8 9 8 10 5 8 27 0 1 1 8 2 2 9 2 1 2 6 4 111 2 29 2 141 2 36 8 25 11 16 65 2 5 9 16 14 1 See S...

Page 93: ...i her Scientific re er e the ri ht to ch n e ecific tion itho t notice ThermoFlex2500 Dimensions inches centimeters Side View 3 5 8 9 2 20 1 16 51 0 Front View 28 15 16 73 6 15 1 4 38 4 1 2 5 Add 1 8...

Page 94: ...8 33 3 27 5 16 3 69 4 21 2 6 4 See Section 3 for ition m in in orm tion Add 1 8 3 mm for SEMI chillers see Section 5 DRAIN roce i r in 1 4 FNPT Riton roce i ch r e i connection 1 2 FNPT t ron e roce...

Page 95: ...her Scientific re er e the ri ht to ch n e ecific tion itho t notice ThermoFlex3500 5000 Dimensions inches centimeters Side View 24 1 2 62 2 3 7 16 8 7 30 3 4 78 0 38 7 8 98 7 1 2 5 17 3 16 43 7 Fron...

Page 96: ...n m in in orm tion ci it ter connections t ron e FNPT 1 15 16 5 0 1 1 4 3 2 1 7 8 2 4 7 1 1 4 2 3 2 6 15 2 12 30 5 15 16 3 4 15 3 8 39 1 181 2 46 9 22 55 9 36 1 2 92 7 21 2 6 4 Add 1 8 3 mm for SEMI c...

Page 97: er e the ri ht to ch n e ecific tion itho t notice ThermoFlex7500 10000 Dimensions inches centimeters 24 9 16 62 4 31 5 8 80 4 3 1 16 7 7 33 11 16 85 5 3 3 16 8 0 Side View To end of P3 P5 t et itt...

Page 98: ...2 52 3 4 134 0 36 5 16 92 3 4 10 2 2 5 0 o e r ie Air Cooled tion i i r n to efi ort See Section 3 for ition m in in orm tion roce i ch r e P T t ron e P3 P T T ro ht o er roce et rn St in e Stee P T...

Page 99: ...2 1 Thermo Scientific ThermoFlex24000 Dimensions inches centimeters Thermo i her Scientific re er e the ri ht to ch n e ecific tion itho t notice Front View For ThermoFlex24000 Air Cooled Chillers 58...

Page 100: ...37 3 15 1 4 38 8 24 5 8 62 8 24 5 8 62 8 19 13 16 50 3 6 5 16 16 0 6 5 16 16 0 1 3 4 4 4 Facility water connections Supply Cast Bronze 3 4 FNPT Return Stainless 3 4 FNPT Facility drain 1 4 FNPT Proces...

Page 101: ...e a heat gain or loss through the plumbing resulting in a variation from setpoint temperature at the application inlet Applications with large temperature variations between ambient and setpoint tempe...

Page 102: Figure 3 1 The front needs a minimum clearance of 24 Air enters the front of the system and exits through the sides and rear Having two sides blocked can impact the chiller s performance due to ens...

Page 103: ...otection that is equivalent approximately to the branch circuit rating This is to protect the ThermoFlex and is not intended as a substitute for branch circuit protection DANGER e er to en i or co ntr...

Page 104: ...08 230VAC P3 Pump 60Hz 3 18 7 30 L15 30P 208 230VAC P5 Pump 60Hz 3 22 3 35 L15 30P 208 230VAC T5 Pump 60Hz 3 17 3 30 L15 20P 400VAC P2 Pump 50Hz 3 10 9 20 IEC309 400VAC P3 Pump 50Hz 3 9 6 15 IEC309 40...

Page 105: ...Service Requirements Variable voltage chillers Continued on next page ThermoFlex900 Voltage 10 Frequency Phase Branch Circuit Requirements Line Cord Plug 200 208 230VAC 60Hz 1 15A 200 230VAC 50Hz 1 16...

Page 106: ...vice Requirements Global voltage chillers ThermoFlex7500 10000 Air cooled Voltage 10 Frequency Phase MCA MOPD Line Cord Plug 400VAC P2 Pump 50Hz 3 8 8 15 Hard wire 400VAC P3 Pump 50Hz 3 10 1 20 Hard w...

Page 107: ...d wire 208 230VAC P5 Pump 60Hz 3 41 5 50 Hard wire 208 230VAC T5 Pump 60Hz 3 36 4 45 Hard wire 400VAC P2 Pump 50Hz 3 19 2 25 Hard wire 400VAC P3 Pump 50Hz 3 17 9 25 Hard wire 400VAC P5 Pump 50Hz 3 20...

Page 108: ...AC P3 Pump 50Hz 3 20 1 35 Hard wire 400VAC P5 Pump 50Hz 3 22 3 40 Hard wire 208 230VAC T9 Pump 60Hz 3 77 8 105 Hard wire ThermoFlex24000 Water cooled Voltage 10 Frequency Phase MCA MOPD Line Cord Plug...

Page 109: ...Pump 50 60Hz 1 30 32A Hard wire 200 208 230VAC T1 P3 P4 Pump 50 60Hz 1 32 40A Hard wire Electrical Service Requirements High temperature global voltage chillers ThermoFlex7500 10000 Air cooled Voltag...

Page 110: ...wire 400VAC P3Pump 400VAC P5Pump 460 VAC P 3 Pump 4 0 VAC P5 Pump 400 VAC T9 Pump 460VAC T9Pump 0Hz 3 33 3 45 Hard wire ThermoFlex24000 Water cooled Voltage 10 Frequency Phase MCA MOPD Line Cord Plug...

Page 111: ...ccordance with the National Electrical Code and any other applicable country and local codes Remove the six screws securing the electrical box cover to the rear of the chiller Remove the double knock...

Page 112: ...uppl i e d a da pt e r s f or hi gh t e m pe r a t ur e c hi l l e r s a r e br a s s Ensure that all shipping plugs are removed before installation ever connect the process uid lines to our facilit w...

Page 113: Connect the to your facility water return or drain Ensure tape is used ensure the tape does not overhang the Connect the PROCESS OUTLET to your application Ensure all connections are secure and...

Page 114: ...dling precautions EG is also hygroscopic it absorbs water from its environment This can affect the free ing point and oiling point of the uid over time and ma result in system failure To prevent freez...

Page 115: too high Contact our customer support for additional information Deioni ed Water Deionized water is water that has had its mineral ions removed using ion exchange resins The purpose of this process...

Page 116: ...if the pH falls below 8 Note that litmus paper will not work to test the pH of ethylene glycol water Inhibited Ethylene Glycol Water from corrosion caused by poor water quality ethylene glycol oxidat...

Page 117: ...use a compatible corrosion inhibitor to prevent galvanic corrosion Visible pump weepage may occur when compatible glycols oils or other additives are used Pump weepage is considered as a normal operat...

Page 118: ...0 0 Inorganic Chemicals Calcium 40 0 6 Chloride 250 25 Copper 1 3 1 0 m i i in cont ct ith min m Iron 0 3 0 1 Lead 0 015 0 Magnesium 12 0 1 Manganese 0 05 0 03 Nitrates Nitrites 10 as N 0 Potassium 2...

Page 119: ...Facility Water Requirements water cooled chillers ThermoFlex1400 F a c i l i t y P r e s s u r e D r o p P S I D 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 F a ci l i t y F l o w G P M 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 F a ci l i t y F l o w G P M F...

Page 120: ...4 5 4 0 3 5 3 0 2 5 2 0 1 5 1 0 5 C P S I D A B C ThermoFlex7500 10000 E xa m p l e F o l l o w t h e l i n e s S t a r t w i t h a kn o w n e g f a ci l i t y w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e A g o a...

Page 121: ...Section 3 ThermoFlex 3 21 Thermo Scientific ThermoFlex24000...

Page 122: ...r Figure 3 6 Fluid Filter Bag Funnel Housing CAUTION Priming WARNING not properly primed Start the chiller using the power button on the control panel ot completel filling the chiller and process uid...

Page 123: ...ments Ensure the reservoir drain plug on the back of the chiller is in place or the Before using an uid refer to the manufacturer s SDS for handling precautions Locate and remove the reservoir cap by...

Page 124: ...fore removing Remove the reservoir cap by unscrewing it counterclockwise chiller Slowly failure to comply may result in internal spillage Note O v e r F l o w expand when heated Note already in the re...

Page 125: ...le values Press these buttons to navigate through the displays This button has four functions Pressing it once allows changes to be made to the display pressing it again saves the change and allows yo...

Page 126: ...button If the auto restart is enabled and the chiller shuts down as a result of a power failure when power is restored the chiller will automatically restart and operate at the saved values Consider a...

Page 127: ...circuit protector located on the rear of the chiller is in the up position Press on the controller the pump and the refrigeration system will automatically start The controller automatically sequences...

Page 128: ...ot start until the level is above 15 pump purges the system the chiller will start If desired press e s c compressor Note The chiller can be turned ON OFF using the ACOM and DCOM option in the I n i t...

Page 129: ...x x x p s i I n The S E T P O I N T and M E N U portions on the top of the display are used to Indicates the chiller is either not running or the Indicates the chiller is heating up to the setpoint I...

Page 130: ...90 C Press the up and down arrows to change the setpoint to the desired value Once the desired value is displayed press the enter button again to arrow or esc button SETPOINT x x x C 24 2 C S E T P O...

Page 131: ...r e s s u r e x x x x p s i I n Press the arrows to scroll through the available displays Once the desired display is showing press enter again Available Displays P r e s s u r e Indicates pump discha...

Page 132: ...settings 2 The controller brings up the Main Menu Display in en i S E T P O I N T M E N U S E T T I N G S D R A I N I N G T U N I N G C A L I B R A T I O N D I A G N O S T I C S S E T P O I N T M E N...

Page 133: ...anti drainback valve see page 4 20 C A L I B R A T E calibrates pressure and optional 8 D I A G N O S T I C S is used to display alarm messages 7 and optional DI cartridge tion 6 M O N I T O R V A L U...

Page 134: ...ACTORY DEFAULTS YES NO RESISTIVITY DEI CONTROL TEMP COMPENSATION Temperature Pressure Flow High Fault High Warning Low Warning Low Fault High Fault High Warning Low Warning Low Fault High Fault High W...

Page 135: ...anges can be made directly on the S E T T I N G S display A u t o R e s t a r t pressing enter with that line highlighted will toggle between on or A u t o R e s t a r t in this section for precaution...

Page 136: ...eded highlight S e t p o i n t and then press the enter button The highlight Scales C or F Defaults C P S I B a r or k P a P S I G P M or L P M G P M Setpoint Range 5 C to 40 C for standard temperatur...

Page 137: ...en the desired changes are made press the left arrow or esc button to return to the S E T T I N G S display High Fault Warning Range 2 C to 43 C for standard temperature chillers 2 C to 9 3 C for high...

Page 138: ...Delay Default 10 seconds P u m p F a u l t R a n g e H i g h D e f a u l t L o w D e f a u l t P 1 P 2 T 0 T 1 3 t o 10 5 P S I 10 5 P S I 3 P S I P 3 6 0 H z 3 t o 46 P S I 46 P S I 3 P S I P 3 50 H...

Page 139: ...the L o w F a u l t value When the desired changes are made press the left arrow or esc button to return to the S E T T I N G S display AUTO REFILL Optional A U T O R E F I L L O n level in the reserv...

Page 140: ...lers with a P3 P5 pump and the capability to run on either 50 H z or 6 0 H z fixed high pressure default setting High Low Flow Fault Warning Range Defaults P u m p R a n g e H i g h L o w D e f a u l...

Page 141: ...same procedure described above to enable disable the alarms In this screen the alarms are disabled L i n e F r e q u e n c y 6 0 H z A u t o R e s t a r t A u d i b l e A l a r m s R A F A N S P E E D...

Page 142: ...utton to return to the S E T T I N G S display Care Level C a r e L e v e l If a change to the level is needed highlight C a r e L e v e l and then press the enter button The highlight L i n e F r e q...

Page 143: ...O M M A C O M feature Press the arrows to highlight the desired option and then press the enter button The turn black indicating that option is enabled Press enter again to turn it off When an option...

Page 144: press the left arrow or esc button to return to the S E T T I N G S display RESTORE DEFAULTS R E S T O R E D E F A U L T S restores the controller back to factory default values A reset is automati...

Page 145: ...draining The display will change to C l o s e V a l v e When the draining is com plete press enter again to close the valve D R A I N I N G O p e n V a l v e D R A I N I N G C l o s e V a l v e Show Q...

Page 146: ...nd pump shut down The display then goes blank Using any other means to shut the chiller down can reduce the life of the compressor Always turn the chiller off and disconnect it from its supply voltage...

Page 147: ...ThermoFlex 5 1 Thermo Scientific Auto Refill Section 5 Options Accessories Note 7 3 9 7 Figure 5 1 to efi ittin 3 8 Note S E T T I N G S Note...

Page 148: ...emove inhi itors from the solution rendering the uid ineffective against corrosion protection lso inhi itors increase uid conductivit H i g h R e s i s t i v i t y or a L o w R e s i s t i v i t y R E...

Page 149: ...Configuration 8 If the chiller is not plumbed to an application tin Scre c in t 8 Note 3 8 If the chiller is plumbed to an application Do not exceed 1 psi ar 8 Note 3 Figure 5 4 t n Scre PSI KPa Figu...

Page 150: Pressure Relief Valve External Configuration 8 If the chiller is not plumbed to an application 8 c in t tin Scre Figure 5 6 t n Scre Note 8 If the chiller is plumbed to an application Do not exceed...

Page 151: ...9 3 8 3 3 3 9 7 3 9 Note Flow Control with Flow Readout P1 P2 T0 T1 Pump Pressure Relief with Flow Readout Figure 5 8 o ontro e n e i i r roce Outlet roce n et Figure 5 9 o ontro n e T ic Figure 5 10...

Page 152: ...afet ssessment SEM S Ergonomic ssessment SEM S1 Fire Ris ssessment SEM F Emergenc Off EMO Note E x t e r n a l E M O e n t e r hiller ircuit Brea er nterrupt Rating Semiconductor Equipment and Materia...

Page 153: ...ic i connect ri n r in ittin C r or o e 900 1400 2500 3500 5000 7500 10000 A 3 1 2 cm cm 3 8 cm 1 4 cm B 2 3 4 cm 11 16 cm 3 4 cm 5 8 cm 15 16 cm 9 16 cm 9 16 cm 11 16 cm Figure 5 11 ri n r in Sei mi...

Page 154: ...e ie 900 1400 2500 3500 5000 7500 10000 A 2 11 16 cm 11 16 cm 11 16 cm cm cm 1 16 cm cm cm 11 16 cm 3 4 cm 3 4 cm 7 16 69 6 3 16 cm 1 4 cm 1 4 cm 15 16 73 4 i t nce et een Sei mic mo ntin ho e Figure...

Page 155: ...P2 Pump 3500 5000 P2 Pump 7500 10000 P3 Pump A 3 4 cm 12 cm 13 3 8 cm 14 7 8 cm B 6 3 4 cm 8 3 8 cm 9 cm 13 1 8 cm 13 1 2 cm 13 1 2 cm 17 cm 26 cm 3500 5000 P4 Pump Global Voltage A 12 3 8 cm B 9 3 4...

Page 156: ...Section 5 ThermoFlex Thermo Scientific Other Accessories...

Page 157: Disables the alert L1 1 000 hours default setting Heavy manufacturing environment Airborne particulate created during manufacturing process L2 2 000 hours Typical production environment L3 3 000 h...

Page 158: ...Use the arrow buttons to highlight D e I P e r i o d arrow buttons to display the desired time from 0 to 9999 hours Press enter again to stop the DIAGNOSTIC OPERATING HOURS O P E R A T I N G H O U R...

Page 159: ...the bag you will notice a bag replacements turn the chiller off and remove the diffuser to inspect it for debris damage he uid velocit into the reservoir will rapidl increase with the diffuser removed...

Page 160: ...tions For high temperature chillers ensure the uid is at a safe temperature elow efore handling Reservoir Sight u e Clean the sight tube by gently pulling up on the plastic funnel housing to remove it...

Page 161: ...ater cooled chillers have an embedded screw s located at the top and bottom of the grill securing it to the chiller Loosen the screw s to remove the grill Water cooled chillers also have a fan with sh...

Page 162: ...e assembly away from the chiller Replacement grills are available from Thermo Fisher Figure 6 4 Filter Removal Replacement ThermoFlex7500s 10000s Air Cooled fast nut Chiller Surface Hoses Clean the ch...

Page 163: ...ed using the controller s D I A G N O S T I C S menu input the number of hours into the menu When the time is reached the D E I P M and the audible alarm if enabled will sound To clear this message an...

Page 164: ...hed to avoid unplanned failures The chiller will continue to run F i l t e r P M F l u i d F i l t e r B a g a n d C o n d e n s e r F i l t e r D E I P M O p t i o n a l D I F i l t e r X X X X X R u...

Page 165: ...1 Sample Messages E R R O R C A N B u s P r e s s E N T E R W A R N I N G P r e s s E N T E R H i g h T e m p P r e s s E N T E R Message Reaction Cause Actions uto efill The chiller will continue to...

Page 166: ...s s u r e Chiller will shut down This error code has priority over H i g h P r e s s u r e error code Process pressure P1 exceeded factory preset value for greater than 30 seconds Preset Values P1 P2...

Page 167: ...from another area or exhaust the hot air into another location using an auxiliary fan T U N I N G in this Section Contact our Sales Service and Customer Support igh low With a warning message the chil...

Page 168: ...t of changing the internal DI cartridge reductions can affect the pump s discharge pressure Note If diameter reductions must be made make them at the inlet and outlet of your application not at the ch...

Page 169: not too high Contact Thermo Fisher for assistance on calculating heat loads Bring cooler air in from another area or exhaust the hot air into another location using an auxiliary fan T U N I N G in...

Page 170: ...e and Customer Support ocal Chiller will shut down Chiller s EMO button depressed When able reset chiller s EMO ow i ed low Chiller will shut down Optional display only chillers This error code has pr...

Page 171: ...port ow low With a warning message the chiller will continue to run With a fault message the chiller will shut down Optional display only chillers below the adjustable setting s low value If the chill...

Page 172: ...Customer Support ow emp With a warning message the chiller will continue to run With a fault message the chiller will shut down Note If the chiller does shut down it can be restarted provided the tem...

Page 173: ...eck the connections on the rear of the chiller Contact our Sales Service and Customer Support horted D Chiller will shut down Internal sensor shorted Contact our Sales Service and Customer Support oto...

Page 174: ...will continue to run controller memory Contact our Sales Service and Customer Support P Chiller will continue to run No pressure calibration stored in controller memory Perform a pressure calibration...

Page 175: ...tons to highlight M E S S A G E S 5 If desired press enter again to display 4 Highlight the desired type message and press enter again to display 6 If Y e s is selected press enter again to display me...

Page 176: ...code in case it clears before you are done troubleshooting If desired silence the audible alarm by pressing enter If the chiller shut down the controller will continue to display the message Press ent...

Page 177: ...will not circulate process uid 3 been installed a restriction may need to be added to the bypass line chiller in a high ambient motor to cool down nameplate rating 10 Inadequate temperature control re...

Page 178: ...ging If operating at high altitude note that heat removal capacity decreases above sea level Verify adjust controller PID values see next page Ensure the chiller damaged Chiller vibration The optional...

Page 179: ...x7500 10000 20 0 ThermoFlex24000 10 0 I integral value repeats minute Range 9 99 Factory Preset ThermoFlex900 24000 D derivative value minutes Range 9 9 Factory Preset ThermoFlex900 24000 0 0 H E A T...

Page 180: ...Section 7 7 16 ThermoFlex Thermo Scientific...

Page 181: ...r using a 9 16 ThermoFlex7500 24000 open the drain valve This will drain the return line reservoir plate exchanger and the suction side of the pump To drain the discharge side of the pump disconnect t...

Page 182: ...drain for ThermoFlex 3500 and 5000 chillers is located behind the condenser fi ter The drain for ThermoFlex 7500 and 10000 chilers is located behind the access panel on the o er e t ront o the chi er...

Page 183: 1 Highlight C A L I B R A T I O N Press enter to display 2 Press enter and highlight C A L I B R A T E Highlight the desired sensor then press enter to display For t 1 run the chiller to a suitabl...

Page 184: ...Pumps Stainless Steel AISI 304 Bronze w monel Carbon Buna N Ceramic Pumps Silicon Brass Stainless Steel AISI 304 Stainless Steel 316 18 8 Bismuth Bronze Viton an Polyethylene standard temp chiller Bra...

Page 185: Eth lene gl col E is poisonous and amma le Before disposing refer to the manufacturer s most current SDS for handling precautions Decommissioning must e performed onl ualified dealer using certifie...

Page 186: ...Section 8 8 6 ThermoFlex Thermo Scientific...

Page 187: ...ozambique Namibia Nepal Netherlands Niger North Korea Norway Paraguay Peru Poland Portugal Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Vincent and the Grenadines San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal...

Page 188: ...tage option and ThermoFlex 900 to 5000 chillers equipped with 200 230V 50 60Hz Global Voltage option have a voltage 3 are shipped with the toggle switch in the center SHIP Note 9 switch is in the SHIP...

Page 189: ...lowing pages the binary data is represented in hexadecimal hex format The NC Serial Communications Protocol is based on a master slave model The master is a host computer while the slave is the chille...

Page 190: ...r fails to respond within 1 second the host should resend the command Note All byte values are shown in hex hex represents the binary values that must be sent to the chiller Do not use ASCII The frami...

Page 191: ...a Set Command is received and the value is within the allowable limits the new value will take affect immediately and the new value will be returned as part of the response to the command If the value...

Page 192: ...0 03 d1 d2 d3 cs REQ FLOW1 M lc a1 a2 10 00 cs Process Fluid Flow S lc a1 a2 10 03 d1 d2 d3 cs REQ TEMP1 M lc a1 a2 20 00 cs Process Fluid Supply Temperature RTD1 S lc a1 a2 20 03 d1 d2 d3 cs REQ TEMP...

Page 193: ...a2 30 00 cs Process Warning S lc a1 a2 30 03 d1 d2 d3 cs REQ LO FLOW3 M lc a1 a2 32 00 cs Process Fault S lc a1 a2 32 03 d1 d2 d3 cs REQ LO ANALOG1 M lc a1 a2 48 00 cs Pressure Process Supply Warning...

Page 194: ...Pressure Process Supply Warning S lc a1 a2 68 03 d1 d2 d3 cs REQ HI ANALOG2 M lc a1 a2 69 00 cs Pressure Process Supply Fault S lc a1 a2 69 03 d1 d2 d3 cs REQ HI RES1 M lc a1 a2 6C 00 cs Process Warni...

Page 195: ...a1 a2 C0 02 d1 d2 cs Process Warning S lc a1 a2 C0 03 d1 d2 d3 cs SET LO TEMP2 M lc a1 a2 C1 02 d1 d2 cs Process Fault S lc a1 a2 C1 03 d1 d2 d3 cs SET LO ANALOG1 M lc a1 a2 C8 02 d1 d2 cs Pressure Pr...

Page 196: ...03 d1 d2 d3 cs SET HI ANALOG8 M lc a1 a2 DF 02 d1 d2 cs Level Fault S lc a1 a2 DF 03 d1 d2 d3 cs SET AUTO REFILL OFF M lc a1 a2 E5 02 d1 d2 cs When level drops below this turn off auto refill S lc a1...

Page 197: Error b1 Low Pressure Error b2 High Flow Error user set able d2 b3 Low Flow Error user set able b4 High Level Error b5 Low Level Error b6 Drip Pan fault b7 Auto Refill fault b0 HTC High Temperature...

Page 198: ...he correct number of bytes determined by the length byte before it can respond If an incomplete frame is received the slave will time out and clear its input buffer without responding Set On Off Array...

Page 199: ...Entered Value if necessary Command Byte Command Description 00 Set Analog Option 01 Set Resistivity Control for basic derivatives 02 Unused Description Byte Byte Notes b 7 b 6 Unused b 5 and b 4 Remot...

Page 200: ......

Page 201: ...XTERNAL SENSOR Optional Range 10mV O C Ex 200mV 20 C Max Load 10V 5mA ENABLED or 4 20mA 4mA low temp span 20 mA high temp span maximum output current 5mA 10VDC 8 LOW FLOW Note 1 Dry Relay Contact Refe...

Page 202: ...e normally CLOSED when power is off Relay contacts are rated 24V AC DC 2A 0 08 Ohm maximum each or 5A total for all relays combined 1mA minimum switching capacity 48VA 48W Resistive load only Note 2 D...

Page 203: ...istivity High Pressure Low Pressure Warning PM Timer Comm Error Sensor Fault RELAY 2 Low Level Tank Overflow Drip Pan Full Low Temperature High Temperature Low Flow High Flow Low Resistivity High Resi...

Page 204: ...n needs With USER RANGE SETTINGS highlighted press enter to display USER RANGE SETTINGS Voltage Millivolts Current The ThermoFlex supports three standard analog interface types and defaults to the fol...

Page 205: ...following gain and offset for setpoint input oltageInputGain 1 oltageInputOffset 1 ow 1 will yield a setpoint of 1 gain offset 1 It could just as easily be configured for other ranges such as 1 1 How...

Page 206: ...settings will yield the following gain and offset for set point input Milli oltInputGain 1 1 1 Milli oltInputOffset 1 1 1 ow 1 m will yield a set point of 1 1 gain offset 1 m 1 1 1 m C Just like volt...

Page 207: ...offset for setpoint input Milli mpInputGain 4 1 Milli mpInputOffset 1 16 ow ma will represent a setpoint of 1 16 A separate gain and offset will also be calculated and are be applied to the DAC tempe...

Page 208: ...r Connector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 RS232 RS485 A I O REMOTE SENSOR ever appl line voltage to an of the connections When operating a h...

Page 209: ...lecting Cal Select which point to calibrate Low or High Press enter and enter the value as read by the reference device Press enter Select Cal to the right of the value just entered by pressing the do...

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Page 211: ...6 The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant Union harmonization legislation 7 EC Directives 2014 30 EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014 35 EU Low Vol...

Page 212: ...5 90C 3 W C Std Temp 5 40C 4 W C Hi Temp 5 90C 5 A C Temp 5 to 90C 6 W C Temp 5 to 90C 7 A C Temp 5 to 40C 8 W C Temp 5 to 40C A Hi Temp No Cooling B A C Temp 5 to 55C C W C Temp 5 to 55C VV Voltage R...

Page 213: ...Hi Temp 5 90C 3 W C Std Temp 5 40C 4 W C Hi Temp 5 90C 5 A C Temp 5 to 90C 6 W C Temp 5 to 90C 7 A C Temp 5 to 40C 8 W C Temp 5 to 40C A Hi Temp No Cooling B A C Temp 5 to 55C C W C Temp 5 to 55C D W...

Page 214: ...grosas en aparatos el ctricos y electr nicos 9 Normas 10 Esta declaraci n es v lida para el producto fabricado despu s de la fecha 10 Esta declaraci n es v lida para el producto con el siguiente n mer...

Page 215: ...grosas en aparatos el ctricos y electr nicos 9 Normas 10 Esta declaraci n es v lida para el producto fabricado despu s de la fecha 10 Esta declaraci n es v lida para el producto con el siguiente n mer...

Page 216: ...uma 10 Ova izjava vrijedi za proizvod sa sljede im serijskim brojem i datumom proizvodnje RO 1 Produc tor 2 Reprezentant Autorizat 3 Tipul Produsului 4 Nume model e 5 Tensiune nominal Frecven a nomina...

Page 217: ...WARRANTY excluding MD1 MD2 Magnetic Drive and P1 P2 Positive Displacement pumps which are warranted for 12 months...

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Page 220: ...Thermo Fisher Scientific 168 Third Avenue Waltham Massachusetts 02451 United States www thermofisher com...
