Section 4-Common Module Functions
For the most consistent results, it is best to begin any measurement
session with a blanking cycle. This will assure the user that the
instrument is working properly and that the pedestal is clean. Follow
the steps below to perform a blanking cycle:
1. Load a blank sample (the buffer, solvent, or carrier liquid used
with your samples) onto the lower measurement pedestal and
lower the sampling arm into the ‘down’ position.
2. Click on the ‘Blank’ (F3) button.
3. When the measurement is complete, wipe the blanking buffer
from both pedestals using a laboratory wipe.
4. Analyze an aliquot of the blanking solution as though it were a
sample. This is done using the ‘Measure’ button (F1). The result
should be a spectrum with a relatively flat baseline. Wipe the
blank from both measurement pedestal surfaces and repeat the
process until the spectrum is flat.
See “Blanking and Absorbance Calculations” in the appendix for more
information on blanking and absorbance calculations.
Re-blank (F2)
The Re-blanking option (F2) establishes a new reference (blank) that
is used for the absorbance calculations of subsequent samples.
However, unlike the Blank (F3) function, the Re-blank feature
recalculates the absorbance spectrum for the most recent sample and
displays this on the screen. When the Re-blank function is used, the
following message appears: