Cylindrical cell holder
This accessory is designed to accommodate cylindrical cells with 22 mm
external diameter and a pathlength of up to 50 mm.
Push the cylindrical cell downwards into the cell holder so that it is secured
in the required position by the spring clip and is in contact with the
retaining ledge.
Thermostatted single cell holder
This accessory is designed to accommodate square cells with 8.8 mm
z-dimension and 10 mm pathlength, and to operate at temperatures of 4 to
80°C (39 to 176°F).
Temperature control is achieved by means of an external temperature
controlled circulator bath. Refer to the Parts List supplied on CD with
your instrument for details of available circulators.
A tubing kit for Evolution thermostatted accessories is available for use
with the recirculator, which includes the necessary connection kit for the
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Evolution 300 and Evolution 600 User Guide 13