Smart Sipper
— A multi-roller peristaltic pump that is mounted in the
sample position of the sample compartment with Sip and Sip and run
operating modes supported. Samples may be pumped to waste or returned.
The sipper allows for calibration of tubing volume with minimum sample
volume of 200 μl with a single, standard cell holder. A flow cell is required.
Smart Calibration Validation Carousel (CVC)
— Provides automatic
testing of UV and visible wavelength accuracy, UV and visible absorbance
accuracy, UV and visible stray light, resolution, noise and stability.
Absorbance and wavelength filters are traceable to NPL or NIST via an
ISO standard 17025 accredited calibration process. The CVC is supplied
with a calibration certificate and shipping box for recalibration.
Mercury Lamp
— Provides a means of wavelength calibration and
verification in the UV and visible spectral ranges, using six fundamental
mercury emission lines.
System accessories
Some system accessories are installed at Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Internal printer
— Located directly behind the LCD screen and is either
factory or installed in the field by our service engineer.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Evolution 300 and Evolution 600 User Guide 21