Dionex Easion Operator’s Manual
Doc. 155028-01 08/20
Three status LEDs (described below) are on the Dionex Easion front door.
Other status information and alarm messages are displayed in the audit
trail in Chromeleon. For more information about audit trail messages, see
Injection Port
When the injection port is connected to the injection valve inside the
Dionex Easion, the sample to be analyzed is injected into the injection
port using a syringe. For automated sample injections, the Dionex Easion
injection valve can be connected to a Thermo Scientific
Autosampler instead of the injection port. For more information about
sample injection, see
Eluent and Regenerant Bottles
The Dionex Easion top cover is molded to hold one eluent bottle
assembly (P/N 062510) and one regenerant bottle assembly (for anion
analyses: P/N 068222; for cation analyses: P/N 057713).
Eluent carries the sample through the Dionex Easion and facilitates
the ion separation process. The type of eluent used depends on the
analyses performed. For example, a Dionex Easion configured for
LED Label
If On (Green)
If Flashing
Dionex Easion power is on
Does not flash
System check passed, but
sequence not yet started
(LED remains on until run
starts or sequence is aborted)
System check failed (occurs if
system check executes for
10 minutes without success)
Running/acquiring data
Error/alarm/fault (including
injection valve position)