TK 56430-18-IP-EN
Calculate the Compressor Speeds
To calculate the compressor speed, follow the steps below, or obtain a speed calculator from your local dealer.
1. Document the crankshaft pulley diameter (OEM or add-on pulley in bracket kit-whichever drives compressor belt).
2. Drive the vehicle to document:
a. Engine RPM at highway speed (about 120 km/h (70 MPH) or faster)
b. Peak engine RPM during shifting (can determine using the engine’s performance curve or redline on
3. Choose a compressor pulley to evaluate and calculate the resulting compressor speeds:
4. If the compressor RPM is acceptable in both situations, the chosen pulley diameter is approved for the application. If
it is not, repeat step 3 using the other available pulley diameters.
e:: If a pulley other than the standard is needed, refer to (
“Changing Compressor Clutch,” p. 41
) for procedures.
Compressor Installation
Adding Oil
1. Remove compressor from box and inspect the serial tag.
2. Verify that the compressor model number is correct (see the previous Compressor Selection).
3. Verify the model number ends in “XD” (ex. 16XD-XXXX). This means the compressor should be dry and ready to be
filled with POE Solest 120 oil (TK P/N 203-505.)
ntt:: If model number ends in “HD” (ex. 16HD-XXXX) or the tag lists the refrigerant oil type as PAG oil, the
compressor must not be used for a VP truck application.
4. On a workbench, remove the components shown below. Keep the drain bolt and discard the remaining
1. Plastic Retainer (remove and discard)
2. Retainer Bolt (remove and discard)
3. Rubber Plugs (2X (remove and discard)
4. Drain Bolt (remove and keep)
5. Carefully measure out 4 fl. oz. of Solest 120 compressor oil (TK P/N 203-505) into a clean container and pour directly