Chapter 3: System Administration
This is a useful feature if the system configuration needs to be restored to a brand new unit. Let’s go
thru the following example to see how it works.
The original source system has 3 RAID volume, “RAID”, ‘RAID10” and “RAID20”, and has backed up the
system configurations to the target server.
The brand new source unit only has a 1 RAID volume ‘RAID”.
When adding a new backup task with “Full backup” or “Custom backup” and enabling the
option “Backup NAS Config” as shows below, the source unit system configurations are then
backed up to the designed path on the target system every time the task is executed.
Click on “Restore NAS Configuration” and the screen shown below will appear. Input the
target server’s IP address where the system configuration has been backed up, and necessary
authentication info. Confirm by doing a “Connection Test” to make sure the communication
between the source and the target server works.