Chapter 3: System Administration
See the following table for a detailed description of each item:
Date and Time
Sets the system date.
Sets the system time.
Time Zone
Sets the system time zone.
NTP Service
to synchronize with the NTP server.
Select Disable to close the NTP server synchronization.
Sync with ex ternal NTP
Select YES to allow Thecus IP storage to synchronize with an NTP server of your choice. Press Apply
to change.
Notifications configuration
From the System Management category, choose the Notifi cations item, and the Notifi cations Con-
System Management category, choose the Notifi cations item, and the Notifi cations Con-
, choose the Notifications item, and the Notifications Con-
figuration screen appears. This screen lets you have Thecus IP storage notify you in case of any sys-
Thecus IP storage notify you in case of any sys-
notify you in case of any sys-
tem malfunction. Press Apply to confirm all settings. See following table for a detailed description of
each item.
Notifications Configuration
Beep Notification
Enable or disable the system buzzer that beeps when a problem occurs.
Email Notification
Enable or disable email notifications of system problems.
Authentication Type
Select the SMTP Server account authentication type.
Secutity Type
Select desired security type from dropdown list.
SMTP Server
Specifies the hostname/IP address of the SMTP server.
Specifies the port to send outgoing notification emails.
SMTP Account ID
Set the SMTP Server Email account ID.
Account Password
Enter a new password.
Log Level
Select the log level to send the e-mail out.
Sender’s E-mail Address
Set senders email address to send email notifications.
HELO/EHLO Domain Name
Filled in valid HELO/EHLO Domain Name.
Receiver’s E-mail Address
Add one or more recipient’s email addresses to receive email notifications.