Chapter 3: System Administration
Application Server
The Thecus IP storage supports built-in application such as iTunes server as well as add-on official or
third -party applications.
iTunes® Server (Built in)
With the built-in iTunes server capability, Thecus IP storage enables digital music to be shared and
played anywhere on the network!
From the Application Server category, choose the iTunes item, and then the iTunes Configuration
screen appears. You may enable or disable the iTunes Service from here. Once enabled, enter the
proper information for each field and press Apply to save your changes.
See the following table for a detailed description of each field:
iTunes Configuration
iTunes Service
Enable or disable the iTunes Service.
iTunes Server Name
Name used to identify Thecus IP storage to iTunes clients.
Enter a password to control access to your iTunes music.
Rescan Interval
Rescan interval in seconds.
MP3 Tag Encode
Specify tag encoding for MP3 files stored in Thecus IP storage. All ID3 tags will be sent out in UTF-8 for-
Thecus IP storage. All ID3 tags will be sent out in UTF-8 for-
. All ID3 tags will be sent out in UTF-8 for-
Once the iTunes service is enabled, Thecus IP storage will make all music located in the Music folder
available for iTunes-equipped computers on the network.
Add-on Official Applications
There are several default pre-loaded official applications such as WebDisk, Piczza (Photo server) and
Transmission-Kit (BT download manager) that can be found from the Application Server category.
3rd party App Installation
From the Application Server Category, choose the Module Installation item and the Module
Management screen appears. Here is the entry for all of third party user module could install from.