Chapter 3: System Administration
Network Service
Use the Network Service category to make network service support settings.
Samba / CIFS
There are options allow Admin to Enable/Disable to operate Thecus IP storage associated with
Samba / CIFS protocol. With the option changed, it will need to reboot system to activate.
Samba Service
Used for letting the operating system of UNIX series and SMB/CIFS of Microsoft Windows operating
system (Server Message Block / Common Internet File System).Do the link in network protocol.
Enable or Disable SMB/CIFS protocol for Windows, Apple, Unix drive mapping
In some environments, due to security concerns, you may wish to disable
SMB/CIFS as a precaution against computer viruses.
Samba Anonymous Login Authentication
To enable this option, no matter there is share folder has been created in public access. The user
account and password is needed from system to access under SMB/CIFS protocol. On the other
hand, no more anonymous login is allowed.
Samba is Native mode
The Thecus IP storage is supported Samba mode options. In the ADS environment with “Native”
mode selected then Thecus IP storage is capable to become local master position.
UNIX Extension
The default is enable for Samba usage, with situation using Mac OSX with smb connection may have
permission issue. When it happened, please setup “UNIX Extension” disable to get issue solved.
Samba Recycle Bin