Hardware Connectivity
System Guide to R
K Surveying
Pole-Mounted Rover System
GPS Receiver - Radio Antenna
The RTK rover requires the use of wireless communications with the base RTK
receiver. The Z-Max supports different wireless communications to support
differing user needs. A common type of wireless modem used for GPS RTK is
UHF radio. When using UHF radio, a UHF antenna is needed. The Z-Max rover
system uses the UHF Antenna Module for receiving UHF signal. Some types of
wireless modems, like cellular, use antennas that are attached directly to the
Communication Module. When there is no UHF modem being used, a special,
empty UHF Antenna Module (called the Pole Adapter) attaches between the GPS
Receiver Module and the GPS Antenna Module and maintains a constant
antenna height.
The UHF Antenna Module (Figure 3.18) connects directly to the top of the GPS
Receiver Module without any cables. The base of the UHF Antenna Module is
circular except for a flattened area. Orient the UHF Antenna Module so that the
flattened side of the Antenna Module base is lined up with the flattened area
inside the antenna receptacle of the GPS Receiver Module and insert the UHF
Antenna Module. If the modules are correctly aligned, the UHF Antenna Module
will push easily into place. Once in place, twist the threaded collar on the module
until it is securely locked in place (Figure 3.19).
Figure 3.18
UHF Antenna Module
G3.book Page 199 Saturday, May 24, 2003 12:52 PM