User Manual for the FLUXMEDICARE® V2 System
IFU-FLUXMEDV2 - V.1.0 - 07/2020
Page 43 / 84
Connection of the optical fibres
The connection between the MDB TEXINOV® source and the optical fibres must be made before starting the
system. The connector must be connected to the intermediate unit.
Protocol for use
Preparation of the patient’s skin
Before applying the photosensitising cream the skin should be disinfected and the surface to be treated cleaned.
Using a spatula apply a layer of photosensitising cream (about 1 mm thick) on a radius of 5 to 10 mm of healthy
skin around the lesions.
Cover the area to be treated with a transparent dressing.
All this is left as it is for 30 minutes, avoiding exposure to light.
Installation of the FLUXMEDICARE® V2 TEXLIGHT1-V2 system
Place the luminous bands (sheath), previously protected with the FMP0X
protective cover (cf. installation manual), on the patient’s head.
The luminous bands are put in place with the luminous face above the
lesions to be treated and on the transparent dressing.
Position the stretch net (NETH or NET0X) on the navy blue side of the
sheath so that the luminous bands are fitted on the areas to be treated
and to prevent the light from escaping.
Put the cap on the net. The cap ties must be positioned behind the
head. Tie the cap ties behind the head to adjust the hold and prevent
any leak of light during the treatment.