NAT Port Mapping
Network Address Translation
The connection is closed
The peers are in the process of connecting
A connection has been established
IPN IPLocal;
This is the IP address (in network format) of the peer host on the local net-
work (LAN). It is the entity that has been assigned a virtual IP address be-
hind the firewall.
UINT16 PortLocal;
This is the port in use by the peer host on the local network (LAN). It is the
entity that has been assigned a virtual IP address behind the firewall.
IPN IPForeign;
This is the IP address (in network format) of the peer host on the public
network (WAN). It is the entity that is on the physical network outside the
UINT16 PortForeign;
This is the port in use by the peer host on the public network (WAN). It is the
entity that is on the physical network outside the firewall.
UINT8 – Protocol;
This is protocol in use by the NAT entry. It must be IPPROTO_TCP, IP-
UINT16 PortMapped;
This is the port in use by the router on its public (WAN) IP address. It is this
port that maps back to a specific local IP/port on the LAN.
HANDLE hProxyEntry;
When a NAT entry is created as a result of a proxy filter being installed on a
specific port, the HANDLE to the proxy filter that spawned the NAT entry is
stored here.
UINT32 Timeout;
This is time in seconds when the proxy entry will expire. The system
checks with a fairly large granularity, so the actual expiration can occur 10
to 20 seconds later. If this value is ZERO, the entry is static. A NAT entry
must be specified as STATIC when it is created. Setting Timeout to ZERO
will cause the entry to expire in 0 to 20 seconds.