Service Calling Conventions
Network Tools Library Services
typedef struct _ntargs {
int CallMode; // Determines desired calling mode
#define NT_MODE_IFIDX 1 // Call by specifying IfIdx
#define NT_MODE_IPADDR 2 // Call by specifying IPAddr
int IfIdx; // Physical interface index (0–n)
IPN IPAddr; // IP Address
HANDLE hCallback; // Handle to pass to callback function
void(*pCb)( HANDLE, uint ); // Callback for status change
Note that this structure is a simplified version of that provided by the configura-
tion system. This structure also contains a callback function. The callback
function is a subset of that in the configuration system, and codes returned by
this callback are passed through the configuration callback to the application.
The individual fields are defined as follows:
int CallMode;
This parameter determines how the service is launched, either by IP ad-
dress or by interface index (1 to n).
Some services can be launched either on a specific interface (1 to n) or on
a specific IP address (which can also be the wildcard INADDR_ANY).
Generally, any service that accepts an IP address can also accept an inter-
face. The service will simply lookup the IP address for the specified inter-
Other services can only be executed by interface and are independent of
IP address. These are said to be compatible with NT_MODE_IFIDX only.
The value of CallMode can be one of the following:
NT_MODE_IFIDX – Call by specifying the interface index (1 to n)
NT_MODE_IPADDR – Call by specifying IP address in network for-
int IfIdx;
This is the physical interface index (1 to n) on which the service is to be
executed. For example, when launching a DHCP server service, the
physical interface is that connected to the home network. For more gener-
ic services (like Telnet), the service can be launched by a pre–defined IP
address (or INADDR_ANY as a wildcard). When launching by IP address
only, this field is left NULL. When this field is used, CallMode should be set
This is the IP address (in network format) on which to initiate the service.
This IP address can specify the wildcard INADDR_ANY, in which case the