Operating System Configuration
Operating System Configuration
The OS has a couple of configuration options that regulate its behavior. These
are stored in a data structure. The types of properties defined in the structure
are those that would typically be macros, but using a data structure allows the
values to be changed without rebuilding the libraries.
The structure is described here for completeness, but applications should use
the configuration system to make alterations to these values. The configura-
tion system is described later in this document.
Configuration Structure
The stack internal configuration structure is _oscfg. Any element in this struc-
ture may be modified before the system is booted. System initialization is cov-
ered later in this document.
The _oscfg structure of type OSENVCFG, which is defined as follows:
// Configuration Structure
typedef struct _osenvcfg {
uint DbgPrintLevel; // Debug message print threshold
uint DbgAbortLevel; // Debug message sys abort threshold
int TaskPriLow; // Lowest priority for stack task
int TaskPriNorm; // Normal priority for stack task
int TaskPriHigh; // High priority for stack task
int TaskPriKern; // Kernel–level priority (highest)
int TaskStkLow; // Minimum stack size
int TaskStkNorm; // Normal stack size
int TaskStkHigh; // Stack size for high volume tasks
The structure entries as defined as follows:
Debug Message Print Threshold
Default Value
This is the lowest severity level of a system debug message (call to DbgPrintf()
function) that will be recorded into the debug log. The threshold may be raised.
The legal values for this variable are: DBG_INFO, DBG_WARN,