Chapter 1: Operating the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
Chapter 1:
Operating the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
Documentation Conventions
In the body of this guidebook, TI-84 Plus refers to the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, but all of the
instructions, examples, and functions in this guidebook also work for the TI-84 Plus. The two
graphing calculators differ only in available RAM memory, interchangeable faceplates, and Flash
application ROM memory. Sometimes, as in Chapter 19, the full name TI-84 Plus Silver Edition is
used to distinguish it from the TI-84 Plus.
A new MODE menu item, STAT WIZARDS is available with OS version 2.55MP for syntax entry
help for commands and functions in the STAT CALC menu, DISTR DISTR menu, DISTR DRAW
menu and the
function (sequence) in the LIST OPS menu. When selecting a supported
statistics command, regression or distribution with the STAT WIZARDS setting
: (the default
setting) a syntax help (wizard) screen is displayed. The wizard allows the entry of required and
optional arguments. The function or command will paste with the entered arguments to the Home
Screen history or in most other locations where the cursor is available for input. If a command or
function is accessed from
the command or function will paste without wizard support. Run
the Catalog Help application (
) for more syntax help when needed. APPS
TI-84 Plus Keyboard
Generally, the keyboard is divided into these zones: graphing keys, editing keys, advanced
function keys, and scientific calculator keys.
Keyboard Zones
— Graphing keys access the interactive graphing features. The third function of these
keys (
t ^
) displays the shortcut menus, which include templates for fractions, n/d, quick
matrix entry, and some of the functions found on the MATH and VARS menus.
— Editing keys allow you to edit expressions and values.
— Advanced function keys display menus that access the advanced functions.
— Scientific calculator keys access the capabilities of a standard scientific calculator.