User Manual
January 14, 2020
About Quartus Project
The original Freedom E300 was implemented in the Scala and is not suitable for the T-Core FPGA
board. We modified the Scala source code so that it can run on T-Core. Since the Verilog code
generated by the Scala is hardly readable, we encapsulate it. Place the clock, reset, JTAG interface,
QSPI interface, GPIO interface (including various peripherals such as UART, I2C, SPI, etc.) on the
top-level port for easy logic operation and pin connection to the FPGA. The interface of the top file
is as follows
Add the PLL, Clock, LED and control logic to the Freedom_E300_Wrapper to generate the
complete Quartus Project. The block diagram is shown below. The completed Quartus project is
detailed in the demonstration directory.