User Manual
January 14, 2020
through the PLL, the JTAG is used to print information, the Nios II required a system time, the C
language program is stored in On-Chip memory, user can develop C program to call the API
WS2812 Controller, then control the RGB LEDs. User can also control the external RGB LED by
modifying the parameters in the C program.
Figure 3-4 Block diagram of the SDRAM test in Nios II
Design Tools
Quartus Prime v18.1
Nios II Eclipse v18.1
Demonstration Source Code
Quartus project directory: \RGBLED_NIOS
Nios II Eclipse directory: \RGBLED_NIOS\Software
Nios II Project Compilation
Click “Clean” from the “Project” menu of Nios II Eclipse before compiling the reference
design in the Nios II Eclipse.
Demonstration Batch File
The files are located in the director: \RGBLED_NIOS\demo_batch
The folder includes the following files: