Attention! Please follow the instructions in the user’s instructions for use.
TYPE BF EQUIPMENT: Equipment providing a degree of protection against
electric shock, with isolated applied part. Indicates that this device has conductive
contact with the end user.
This symbol on the unit means “Refer to instructions for use”.
Temperature Limitation: indicates the temperature limits to which the medical
device can be safely exposed.
Lot Number: indicates the manufacturer’s batch code so that the batch or lot can
be identified.
Humidity Limitation: indicates the humidity limits to which the medical device can
be safely exposed.
Serial Number: indicates the manufactu
rer’s serial number so that a specific
medical device can be identified.
Do not dispose in household waste.
Catalogue Number: indicates the manufacturer’s catalogue number so that the
device can be identified.
Atmospheric Pressure: indicates the atmospheric limits to which the medical device
can be safely exposed.
Date of Manufacture: indicates the date which the medical device was
manufactured. This is included within the serial number found on the device
(usually in the battery compartment),
either as “E/Year/Number” (YY/123456) or
“E/Month/Year/Number” (MM/YY/123456).
This medical device is indicated for home use.
This medical device is not water resistant and should be protected from liquids.
The first number 2:
Protected against access to hazardous parts with a finger,
and the jointed test finger of 12 mm ø, 80 mm length, shall have adequate
clearance from hazardous parts, and protected against solid foreign objects of 12.5
mm ø and greater.
The second number 2:
Protected against vertically falling water drops when
enclosure is tilted up to 15˚. Vertically falling drops shall have no harmful effects
when the enclosure is tilted at any angle up to 15˚ on either side of the vertical.