Access Door Shipping Restraint:
Loosen 3/8” hex head screws.
Slide restraint towards center of door – remove & discard.
Retighten hex head screws.
Steam coils are drainable if unit is level. Water coils are also drainable except for special
circuiting. When special circuitry has been furnished coil must be protected from freeze damage
by means of anti-freeze liquids or heaters.
Condensate drain lines inside or to roof from pan must be pitched and include a water seal or
trap to prevent the passage of air into or out of the unit via the drain in the field by the contractor.
Intermediate pans for coils more than one high include downspouts to main pan. A minimum of
2 x (S.P.) trap is required in the condensate line to prevent condensate back up.
Larger Drawings Located In The Manual