5.2.11 Admin access
In this menu you can configure permissions for the Admin user to access protected settings.
The Admin user can only modify the settings enabled in the list. The Admin access options can
only be configured by the Superadmin.
The settings that don’t have a checkmark, i.e. the ones that the Admin user does not have access
to, are considered protected. In order to keep track of the changes made to the protected settings,
the device generates a "
Settings changed
" service event if configured in the
"Service events"
menu, whenever the Superadmin makes any changes to any of these protected settings.
Available options:
Reading the settings from the device:
To read the settings from the device, click on the “
” button. This will read all
settings in all menus.
Writing the settings into the device:
After changing the settings or entering new settings, in order to take effect, it is
necessary to write the new settings into the device by clicking on the “
” button.
This will write the changes only, but all changes made in any menu.
Please note that the settings have to be written in the device in order to be applied after
a change is made. For this, click on the “Write”