Attention! Serial data transfer may result high data traffic, so please consider this before selecting 3G
network as communication channel.
Maximum data delay:
Recommended setting is 500 ms.
Serial port settings:
Recommended settings: Baud rate: 19200, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 2.
For connecting the alarm control panel and programming software install the IP Bridge Virtual Client software.
This software connects the computer and the module and establishes a virtual serial data port that you need to
select in the programming software.
After starting the program, the following setting options are available:
Figure 64.
Selected Device IP address
: The module’s IP address. If it is not in the same network w
ith the module, it is
also possible to add the DNS name with the necessary parameters. If you want to connect through mobile
internet, enter the mobile internet IP address that you can find on the module’s web
-based interface.
: The username of the module administrator.
: The password of the user.
Check connection
: Checks the module’s address you set.
Serial Port
: Set the virtual serial port’s address that you need to select in the alarm system’s programming
Create port
: Creates the virtual port according to the settings.
Log data
: It provides information on the operation of the program, and displays data received on the serial port.