Following the instructions fully to this point
you have successfully competed the following
Set internal intercom switch to cor-
respond with the wired intercom.
Located the BTR-200 transceiver
Connected power to BTR-200 trans-
C o n n e c t e d t h e 1 / 4 - w a v e a n d
5/8-wave antenna to the BTR-200.
Check frequency range of the an-
tenna matching the frequency of the
BTR-200 by correctly matching
color codes.
Set Dynamic/Electret switches in
both BTR-200 and TR-200
Set transmit switch on BTR-200.
Connected headsets to BTR-200 and
all TR-200’s
Connected the BTR-200 to any
auxiliary audio, intercom or exter-
nal speaker.
Installed batteries in the TR-200
Remote Transceiver.
If you missed any of the above instructions, go
back and complete that instruction before go-
ing on.