Spyder3 SC-34 Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
If you ch ange to an exp osu re m od e that requ ires an external sync, ensu re that you p rop erly p rovid ing an
external sync
Camera Operation and Test Patterns
H ave the cam era send ou t a test p attern and verify it is being p rop erly received .
To qu ickly verify serial com m u nications send the help com m and . The
com m and retu rns the online help
m enu . If fu rther p roblem s p ersist, review Ap p end ix C for m ore inform ation on com m u nications.
Verify Parameters
To verify the cam era p aram eters, send the
com m and . A com p lete exp lanation of the cam era
p aram eters screen follow s.
Verify Timing and Digital Video Path
Use the test p attern featu re to verify the p rop er tim ing and connections betw een the cam era and the
fram e grabber and verify the p rop er ou tp u t along the d igital p rocessing ch ain. See below .
Generating Test Patterns
The cam era can generate a test p attern to aid in system d ebu gging. Use the com m and
svm 1
to activate
the test p attern. The test p attern is a ram p from 0 to 255DN , then starts at 0 again. Use the test p attern to
verify the p rop er tim ing and connections betw een the cam era and the fram e grabber.
N o test pattern or bad test pattern
— May ind icate a p roblem with the camera (e.g. missing bit)
or a system setu p p roblem (e.g. fram e gra bber or tim ing). Verify the p resence of the LVAL and
STROBE signals.
Test pattern successful
— Run the
svm 0
com m and to activate vid eo. Then ru n the
com m and
u nd er both d ark and light cond itions to retrieve a line of raw vid eo (no d igital p rocessing). Und er
d ark cond itions, w ith factory settings, the analog offset valu e shou ld be w ithin the sp ecified
range (refer to the u ser sp ecifications).
Verify Voltage
Use the
com m and to d isp lay the cam era's inp u t voltage.
Verify Temperature
To check the internal tem p eratu re of the cam era, u se the
com m and . For p rop er op eration, th is valu e
shou ld not exceed 65 °C, m easu red at the front cam era p late.
If the cam era reaches 65 °C, the cam era
w ill shutdow n and the LED w ill flash red
. If this occu rs,
the cam era
must be rebooted
u sing the com m and ,
or can be p ow ered d ow n m anu ally. You w ill have
to correct the tem p eratu re p roblem or the cam era w ill shu t d ow n again. If you enter any com m and other
, the cam era resp ond s w ith:
Error 09: The camera's temperature exceeds the specified operating range>