Spyder3 SC-34 Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
p revent solvent from evap orating from the w ind ow su rface, as this w ill end u p leaving resid u e
and streaking behind .
Rep eat step s 2-4 u sing a clean tissu e u ntil the entire w ind ow has been cleaned .
Blow off any ad hering fibers or p articles u sing d ry, filtered com p ressed air.
Horizontal Lines or Patterns in Image
A fau lty or irregu lar encod er signal m ay resu lt in horizontal lines d u e to exp osu re tim e flu ctu ations;
ensu re that you r exp osu re tim e is regu lar. If you have verified that you r exp osu re tim e is consistent and
p atterns of low frequ ency intensity variations still occu r, ensu re that you are u sing a DC or high
frequ ency light sou rce.