Spyder3 SC-34 Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Output Signals, Camera Link
These signals ind icate w hen d ata is valid , allow ing you to clock the d ata from the cam era to you r
acqu isition system . These signals are p art of the Cam era Link configu ration and you shou ld refer to the
Cam era Link Im p lem entation Road Map for the stand ard location of these signa ls
http :/ / w w w .teled yned alsa.com / m v/ know led ge/ ap p notes.asp x
Clocking Signal
LVAL (high)
Ou tp u tting valid line
DVAL (high)
Valid d ata (u nu sed , tied high)
STROBE (rising ed ge)
Valid d ata
FVAL (high)
Ou tp u tting valid fram e (u nu sed , tied high)
The camera internally d igitizes 12 bits and outputs the 8 MSB or all 12 bits d epend ing on the camera‘s
Cam era Link op erating m od e.
2.4 Camera Link Video Timing
Figure 10: Overview Timing Showing Input and Output Relationships
Figure 11: Fixed (Programmed) Integration Timing with External EXSYNC