Spyder3 SC-34 Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Camera Help Screen
For qu ick help , the cam era can retu rn all available com m and s and p aram eters throu gh the serial
There are tw o d ifferent help screens available. One lists all of the available com m and s to configu re
cam era op eration. The other help screen lists all of the com m and s available for retrieving cam era
parameters (these are called ―get‖ com m and s).
To view the help screen listing all of the cam era configu r ation com m and s, u se the com m and
To view a help screen listing all of the ―get‖ com m and s, u se the com m and
The cam era configu ration com m and help screen lists all com m and s available. Param eter ranges
d isp layed are the extrem e ranges available. Dep end ing on the cu rrent cam era op erating cond itions, you
m ay not be able to obtain these valu es. If this occu rs, valu es are clip p ed and the cam era retu rns a w arning
m essage.
Som e com m and s m ay not be available in you r cu rrent op erating m od e. The help screen d isp lays N A in
this case.
Baud Rate
Pu rp ose:
Sets the sp eed in bp s of the serial com m u nication p ort.
sbr m
Syntax Elem ents:
Bau d rate. Available bau d rates are:
(Defau lt),
, and
N otes:
Pow er-on rate is alw ays 9600 bau d .
(reset cam era) com m and w ill
reset the cam era to the
p ow er-on bau d rate and w ill reboot u sing the last u sed bau d rate.
Exam p le:
sbr 57600
3.2 First Power Up Camera Settings
When the cam era is p ow ered u p for the first tim e, it op erates u sing the follow ing factory settings:
Forw ard CCD shift d irection
RGB color ou tp u t m od e (clm 5)
Exp osu re m od e 7 (Program m able line rate & m ax exp osu re tim e, 625 µs)
1600 H z line rate
Read ou t m od e: Au to
Mirroring m od e: 0, left to right
Factory calibrated analog gain and offset
8 bit ou tp u t