Spyder3 SC-34 Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Software and Hardware Setup
Host System Requirements
To achieve best system p erform ance, the follow ing m inim u m requ irem ents are recom m end ed :
Base Cam era Link fram e grabber.
Op erating system : Wind ow s XP Professional, Wind ow s Vista, Wind ow s 7 (either 32-bit or 64-bit for
all) are su p p orted .
Setup Steps: Overview
Take the follow ing step s in ord er to setu p and ru n you r cam era system . They are d escribed briefly below
and in m ore d etail in the follow ing sections.
1. Install and Configure Frame Grabber
If you r host com p u ter d oes not have a Base Cam era Link fram e grabber, or equ ivalent, then you need to
install one.
2. Connect Power, and Camera Link I/O Cables
Connect a p ow er cable from the cam era to a +12 VDC to +15 VDC p ow er su p p ly.
If u sing the external signals connect the external control cable to the cam era.
3. Establish communicating with the camera
The qu ickest and easiest w ay to com m u nicate w ith the cam era is throu gh the u se of a term inal p rogram
(e.g., Microsoft H yp erTerm inal is a w id ely available ap p lication).
4. Check camera LED, settings and test pattern
Ensu re that the cam era is op erating p rop erly by checking the LED, the cu rrent settings, and by acqu iring
a test p attern.
5. Operate the Camera
At this p oint you w ill be read y to op erate the cam era in ord er to acqu ire and retrieve im ages, set cam era
fu nctions, and save settings.