Spyder3 SC-34 Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Immediate read out mode (default, srm 2)
In this m od e the im age is read ou t, inclu d ing accu m u lated d ark cu rrent, im m ed iately follow ing the
trigger or the EXSYN C falling ed ge.
There are no line rate lim itations other than the am ou nt of gate d ark cu rrent that can be tolerated at low
line rates.
For inform ation on artifacts that m ay be exp erienced w hile u sing this m od e, see the Artifacts section
below .
There are no tim ing or exp osu re anom alies other than situ ations w here EXSYN C is rem oved from
cam era. In this case, the cam era can be set to op erate in a "w atchd og" state.
The w atchd og w ill start DC clear at frequ encies = or < 10 H z, w here d ark cu rrent is significant.
A sm all DN step w ill be visible in the im age w here the w atchd og tu rns on and off.
The w atchd og op erates on the single threshold . If sync frequ ency is not in the sharp transition w atchd og
m ay cau se corru p ted lines crossing the threshold .
Gate dark current clear mode (always on, srm 1)
In this m od e the gate d ark cu rrent w ill be cleared continu ou sly.
After the trigger (EXSYN C) is received , the d ark cu rrent is cleared from the im age sensor before the
im age is acqu ired . The line rate is lim ited to ½ the m axim u m line rate available for that m od el of cam era.
For inform ation on artifacts that m ay be exp erienced w hile u sing this m od e, see the Artifacts section
below .
Table 17.
Max. Line Rate
Immediate Readout
Dark Current Clear
18000 H z
9000 H z
9000 H z
4500 H z
When op erating in the d ark cu rrent clear m od e, there w ill be a slight d elay, equ ivalent to one read ou t
tim e, before the actu al exp osu re is im p lem ented . The actu al exp osu re tim e w ill not be altered .
Table 18.
Exposure Delay and Max Exposure Time in Auto
55.5 µs
111 µs
Setting the Readout Mode
Use this com m and to control d ark cu rrent in the vertical transfer gates.
Camera Link Command
: Au to. Clears d ark cu rrent below ~
30-45% of the m axim u m line rate.
: Dark cu rrent clear. Alw ays clears
The vertical transfer gates collect d ark cu rrent
d u ring the line p eriod . This collected cu rrent is
ad d ed to the p ixel ch arge.