Spyder3 SC-34 Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Figure 7: Input and Output Connectors
It is extrem ely im p ortant that you ap p ly the ap p rop riate voltages to you r cam era. Incorrect
voltages m ay d am age the cam era.
2.1 Power Connector
Figure 8: Hirose 6-pin Circular Male—Power Connector and Table 6: Hirose Pin Description
1, 2, 3
Min +12 to Max +15V
4, 5, 6
Grou nd
The cam era requ ires a single voltage inp u t (+12 to +15 V). The cam era m eets all p erform ance
sp ecifications u sing stand ard sw itching p ow er su p p lies, althou gh w ell-regu lated linear su p p lies p rovid e
op tim u m p erform ance.
When setting up the camera’s pow er supplies follow these guidelines:
Ap p ly the ap p rop riate voltages. Ensu re +12 V to +15 V at the cam era p ow er inp u t (after the voltage
d rop across the p ow er cable). This m ay m ean that the p ow er su p p ly w ill have to p rovid e a voltage
greater than the requ ired one, in ord er to ad ju st for this loss. For exam p le, to a12 V at the
cam era, the p ow er su p p ly m ay need to su p p ly +12.5 V or greater.
Protect the cam era w ith a fast-blow fu se betw een p ow er su p p ly and cam era.
Do not u se the shield on a m u lti-cond u ctor cable for grou nd .
Keep lead s as short as p ossible to red u ce voltage d rop .
Use high-qu ality linear su p p lies to m inim ize noise.
Note: Camera performance specifications are not guaranteed if your power supply does not meet these requirements.
Hirose 6-pin Circular Male
Mating Part: HIROSE