Spyder3 SC-34 Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
3.3 Sensor Output Format
Sensor Shift Direction
You can select either forw ard or reverse CCD shift d irection. This accom m od ates object d irection change
on a web and allows you to mou nt the camera ―upsid e d own .‖ The scan d irection has no effect on the
color ou tp u t form at.
Figure 12: Object Movement and Camera Direction Example using an Inverting Lens
N ote:
You can control the CCD shift d irection throu gh the serial interface. Use the softw are com m and
to d eterm ine w hether the d irection control is set via softw are control or via the Cam era Link control
signal on CC3. Refer to the CCD Shift Direction section of this m anu al, p age 24, for d etails.
4k camera orientation
Camera should operate in
reverse shift direction
scd 1
Camera should operate in
forward shift direction
scd 0
Arrows denote
direction of
object movement