Calibration— Type 1L30
1. Adjust R543 for a
resolution bandwidth
TOO kH i
f u ll/ clockwise and
on a p p r o x i m a t e
kHz for this display
(one position back
from fu lly c w ).
2. Adjust L624 for op
timum signal ampli
tude with
4. Adjust C620 for sym
metry in this region.
3. Adjust C610 for sym
metry in this region.
(A) Correct display with RESOLUTION control at the 1st
position back from the Full clockwise (100 kHz) posi
IB) Incorrect display L624 misadjusted. Shoulders are too
Fig. 6-11. Typical displays when adjusting the resolution band'
width with C610, C620, L624 and R543.
the bandpass response. If the response is non-
symmetrical, remove the oscilloscope side panel
and adjust C 610 a slight amount for correct sym
4. Switch the RESOLUTION control to the fully clock
wise position. Adjust the G A IN control for a 6 cm display
amplitude, then check- the resolution bandwidth at the
— 6dB amplitude point. This point can be determined by
switching in 6dB of IF Attenuation and noting the ampli
tude level, then switching out the attenuation to return the
display to full screen.
Bandwidth must equal or exceed
Fig. 6-12. Typical bandpass characteristics of the resolution ampli
fier at maximum and minimum resolution settings.
100 kHz at the — 6dB point and the response should be
symmetrical (see Fig. 6-12). Adjust the 100 kHz Reso! Cal
R543 if necessary for correct bandwidth.
5. Turn the RESOLUTION control one position counter
clockwise (Dispersion 50kH z/cm ), readjust the G A IN if
necessary for a 6 cm display amplitude.- Check bandwidth.
These adjusiments interact; when properly set, the reso
lution must vary from a bandwidth > 100 kHz with the
control fully clockwise, to a bandwidth < 1 kHz with the
control turned fully counterclockwise.
Each step counter
clockwise should decrease the bandwidth.
As the Dis
persion is reduced and the Resolution increased to the 1
kHz position, the sweep rate must also be decreased to ap
proximately .2 s/cm to maintain response symmetry
analyzer sensitivity.
Summary of Contents for 1L30
Page 48: ...si L i y n Maintenance Type 1L30 Fig 4 15 Honeycomb assembly drcui a n d component layout 4 n ...
Page 59: ...Fig 6 1 A Test equipment required for calibration ...
Page 60: ... Calibration Type 1130 ...
Page 120: ...T Y P E I L 3 0 S P E C T R U M A N A L Y Z E R ib i IF SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 9 1 9 2 ...
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