Tecnoware Power Systems
EVO STAR 10-50
Installation space varies according to the size of the U.P.S (see charts 8) and to the battery
cabinet. A distance margin from the walls of the room where the U.P.S. is positioned is also
necessary for air circulation and ordinary/extraordinary maintenance. Please refer to picture 5
for minimum margin distances. All models need a distance margin of at least 40cm either side
or at least a metre from the ceiling.
Picture 4
Room access
All the doors which the equipment has to go through in order to reach the
chosen room have to be large enough to allow the passage of the U.P.S
(charts 8) and its handling equipment. We advise you to forbid access to
the place where the U.P.S. and its battery cabinets are placed to all non
authorized users.
Room size
Room space must be suitable to allow installation of the equipment and
periodical and extraordinary maintenance.
When choosing the rooms please remember that the equipment must not
be exposed to the inclemency of the weather, to corrosive substances, to
excessive humidity (humidity below 90% non-condensing) or to very high
sources of heat.
The environment should not be very dusty. Please be very careful if you
decide to carry out any building work after setting up the machine.
Floor load
According to the data in charts 8 you must check that the floors of the
chosen rooms can support the equipment’s weight.
Room temperature should be preferably between 15° and 25°C
Ventilators expel the heat dissipated by the U.P.S. into the air, therefore the
room structure must be suitable to guarantee sufficient aeration to
eliminate the heat produced by the U.P.S.
If room temperature does not comply with the recommended parameters or
if air circulation in the room is not adequate, you must supply the room with
a ventilation system or, if this should not be sufficient, install an air
conditioning system.
Safety rules
The rooms where the U.P.S. is installed must be equipped according to fire
and safety regulations.
U.P.S. from 10 to 50 KVA