Speed Search
Long press of the up
or down
key runs through the menu or channels at an acce-
lerated speed.
A/B (12)
In single band mode, the A/B key (12) switches between the frequency bands UHF and VHF.
In dual band mode there are two frequencies displayed. Use the A/B key to determine
master- and vice frequency. Master frequency is for reception and transmission - on vice
frequency only reception is possible.
Is a signal received on vice frequency, the letter S appears in the upper right side of the
display. Selection of the master frequency is done by the A/B key (12), indicated by a
black arrow on the left side of the display.
TDR (4)
Switch between single / dual band display. By default, the dual band display is activated.
To switch to the single band display press the TDR key. In single mode display, always
the master frequency is set. To change the master frequency switch to dual band dis-
play, and set the master frequency with the A/B key - the arrow on the left side indicates
the master frequency.
Scan Key (6)
The Scan key (6) is a dual-function key that controls the functions
The Frequency-Reverse function is only usable for the COM version that permits diffe-
rent frequencies for transmitting and reception. When pressing the Scan key shortly,
transmitting and reception frequencies are reversed. The letter
, in the upper row of
the the display, indicates the activated status of the Frequency-Reverse function.
To activate the Scan function, press the key for a longer period of time. The letter R
appears and disappears, then the scan function starts.
1750Hz Burst Tone
To send 1750 Hz tone for repeater operation, press PTT (16) and PF1 (17) at the same time .
Press the keylock key (7) for approximately one second to activate / deactivate the key-
lock function. All keys will be locked except for PTT, monitor and volume.
SOS Function
An SOS signal is transmitted on the actual channel of the selected band (A or B) while on
the transmitting radio the SOS signal is audible and the flashlight blinks. The SOS cycle
will be active for 10 seconds every 5 minutes. To abort the actual cycle press any key.
Scan the radio frequency band (76 - 108 MHz) by pressing the scan key (6). The scan
function will stop automatically on an occupied radio station.
To manually set the radio frequency, use the channel selector knob.
A maximum of eighteen radio frequencies can be stored in two banks. To store a radio
station follow these steps:
1. Turn on the radio.
2. Set radio station to be stored either manually or via scan function.
3. Select the desired bank (TEAM1 or TEAM2) where the station is to be stored by
pressing the keylock button (7), e.g. TEAM2.
4. Press Menu key (10) - the display shows
5. Press memory space 1 - 9 to store radio station, e.g. press
To recall a stored radio channel:
1. Turn on the radio function
2. Select a bank by pressing the keylock key, e.g. TEAM2
3. Select a radio station by selecting a memory space, e.g.
The current frequency is still working while the radio is on. Upon reception of a signal,
the radio function pauses until the signal disappears. After five seconds the radio functi-
on continues. When pressing the PTT key, radio function is immediately paused and will
continue a few seconds after release of PTT key.
Password Security
For security reasons and to avoid unintended resets, a password can be set up via the
software T-UP14. For more details, see software manual.
Low Battery Alert
When the voltage of the battery pack drops below a critical level, the transceiver beeps
and the display flahses every 5 seconds.
Transmit Overtime Alert
When programmed transmit-over-time is expired, the transceiver will beep and trans-
mission will stop. To start transmission again, release and press PTT again.
Wire Cloning
To wire-clone another TeCom-DualBand, the optional cloning-cable is required.
Connect the two radios via cloning-cable and press the MONI key (18) to start cloning.
: LED flashes red during cloning and stops flashing after success
ful procedure. LED lights continously is case of cloning failure.
: LED flashes green during cloning and stops flashing upon com-
pleted procedure.
tecom-db_manual_amend_ham.qxp 11.12.2009 14:01 Seite 30