Archive Viewer
All operations within each application which require authorization to
carry out will be automatically recorded in the Operations History
and saved in a History File in the same Folder into which T&D
Recorder VLD for Windows was installed.
Archive Viewer
Temperature/Humidity Graph Operations History File
"File Name (without extension) " _Hist.dat
[Upload Saved Print Settings] Operations History File
"File Name (without extension) " _pri_Hist.dat
Operations History Files other than for Temperature/Humidity
"File Name (without extension) " Logger_Hist.dat
If the Archive exceeds 10,000 records,
new records will be saved in ****_Hist_0001.dat.
If Archive folders exceed another 10,000 records,
new records will be saved in ****_Hist_0002.dat,
then ****_Hist_0003.dat, etc...
* This will be saved if an archive fi le is damaged, or if an error occurs while
writing to an archive fi le.
* A damaged Archive File cannot be viewed.