Viewing the Temp/Humidity Graph
Here, it is possible to view in Graph form, the temperature and
humidity data recorded by the Data Logger.
View 8 channels of data in 1 display
Downloaded temperature and humidity data from both the Logger
and the Collector can be viewed in a single Graph. Up to eight
channels of data can be added to a single Graph.
Easy zoom in and out with mouse
By selecting a range with your mouse you can easily zoom in and
out on data.
Calculate and view the highest, lowest and average
readings for a desired range.
In the Graph, for each channel it is possible to designate a desired
range from which the highest, lowest and average readings will be
calculated and displayed.
Creating Text File
It is possible to convert the data for a specifi ed range (time period) to
common text fi le format (CSV type format), so that it can be exported
to spreadsheet software such as Excel
or Lotus
Printing the Temp/Humidity Graph
It is possible to easily print in color the Graph as it is being displayed.
It is also possible to save printing settings to enable the printing of a
previously printed graph in exactly the same way.
View and Print Measured Data List
You can view the data displayed in the graph window as a list and
then choose to print.
View in Easy to Distinguish Colors
In the data list, the highest value will appear in red, the lowest in
blue, and the average in pink.
Printing the Data List
It is possible to print the entire list as displayed or to select pages
for printing.