Data Collector: Downloading Recorded Data
Here it is possible to download the collected data from the Data
Collector to your computer.
The downloaded data will be saved both as an encoded Original
File (.trc) and as a Common Thermo Recorder Type File (.trx).
To open an encoded fi le, it is necessary to enter a valid User
ID and Password. For this reason, it is necessary to make sure
to keep on record the User ID and Password that were used
when the encoded Original File was created. Without the User
ID and Password it is impossible to open the Original File.
Connect the Data Collector to the Computer and
set up for communication
See pp.17-18 for more details about how to connect.
Gathering Data Info from the Data Collector
Open [Data Collector].
Click the [Download Recorded Data] tab.
Click the [Collect Data Info] button to start communication and
gather a Data Collector Contents of all downloaded data stored
in the Data Collector
* For devices other than RTR-51/52/53/TR-51A/52, [----] will be displayed. Data
from devices whose Data Info display shows [----] cannot be downloaded.